2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 120 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 我连同行政总监苏祐安先生为总部同事送上「喜迎金兔 礼物福袋」,与大家一同分享佳节喜悦。 Mr. SU Yau On, Albert, Chief Executive, and I prepared gift sets for the staff of the Administration Headquarters to share the blessings for the Year of the Rabbit. 总部同事很高兴收到礼物福袋。 Our fellow colleagues of the Administration Headquarters were so happy when they received the gift sets. 元气日 · 新春篇 Cheer Day – Chinese New Year Celebration 16/01 执行委员会新春祝福 Chinese New Year Blessing from Executive Committee 30/01 新春之际,我连同执行委员会成员,向行政总部各部门派 发利是,送上祝福。 Together with Members of the Executive Committee, I distributed red packets as a Chinese New Year blessing for the staff members at the Administration Headquarters.