2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 21 时任社会福利署署长到访「社区保姆邻里支援幼儿照顾计划」 The Then Director of Social Welfare Visited the “Nanny Buddy Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project” 与民政事务总署署长会面交流 Meeting with Director of Home Affairs 15/06 07/06 时任社会福利署署长梁松泰太平绅士(前排右四)与九龙城区议会主席何显明BBS, MH(前排左四)探访九龙城区家庭及儿童福利服 务单位,并了解本院所推行的「社区保姆邻里支援幼儿照顾计划」概况。 Mr. LEUNG Chung Tai, Gordon, JP (front row, right 4), the then Director of Social Welfare, accompanied by Mr. HO Hin Ming, BBS, MH (front row, left 4), Chairman of Kowloon City District Council, paid a visit to the Family and Child Welfare Services Units in Kowloon City District, where they learnt about the "Nanny Buddy Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project" operated by the Group. 非常感谢民政事务总署署 长张赵凯渝太平绅士(前排 右四)抽空出席交流,使我 们获益良多。 We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs. CHEUNG CHIU Hoi Yue, Alice, JP (front row, right 4), Director of Home Affairs, for meeting and sharing her insights with us. 我代表本院致送纪念品予时任社会福利署署长梁松泰太平绅士(右)。 On behalf of the Group, I presented a souvenir to Mr. LEUNG Chung Tai, Gordon, JP (right), the then Director of Social Welfare.