2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 24 顺丰速运(香港)有限公司紫外光消毒过滤设备捐赠仪式 Ceremony of Donation of UV Disinfection Air Units by S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited 29/04 我们衷心感谢顺丰速运(香港)有限公司慷慨捐赠大量紫外光消毒过滤设备予本院属下院舍使用,以支援本院抗疫工作。 Our heartfelt gratitude goes to S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited for their generous donation of large quantities of UV Disinfection Air Units to TWGHs community service units/centres in support of the Group's anti-epidemic works. 燕然基金会口罩捐赠仪式 Yan Ran Foundation – Donation Presentation Ceremony of Surgical Masks 06/06 燕然基金会捐赠100 万个口罩予本院社会服务单位。在壬寅年顾问暨辛丑年主席谭镇国先生BBS(右四)和行政 总监苏祐安先生(右二)陪同下,我向燕然基金会主席闫飞先生(左五)、副主席暨立法会议员李世荣先生MH(左 四)、副主席李淳晖先生(左三)、秘书长董怡洋小姐(右三)及陈雪娥小姐(左二)表示谢意。 Yan Ran Foundation donated 1 million surgical masks to the community service centres of the Group. Accompanied by Mr. TAM Chun Kwok, Kazaf, BBS (right 4), member of the Advisory Board 2022/2023 cum Chairman 2021/2022, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 2), Chief Executive, I expressed my heartfelt thanks to Mr. YAN Fei (left 5), Chairman of Yan Ran Foundation, the Hon. Mr. LI Sai Wing, Stanley, MH (left 4), Vice-Chairman of Yan Ran Foundation cum member of Legislative Council of the HKSAR, Mr. LI Shun Fai (left 3), Vice Chairman of Yan Ran Foundation, Ms. DONG Yiyang (right 3), Secretary-general of Yan Ran Foundation, and Ms. Joanna CHAN (left 2). 感谢顺丰速运(香港)有限公司总经理岑子良先生(右) 支持本院抗疫工作。 We are thankful to Mr. Steve SHUM (right), Director of S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited, for supporting the Group's anti-pandemic efforts.