2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 28 历史文化History and Culture 团队建立 Team Building and Empowerment 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 感谢日 Thankful Day 27/04 本院举办「感谢日」,向同事送上购物礼券及曲奇礼盒,为大家打打气之余, 亦藉此感谢各员工的努力和贡献。 In order to boost staff morale and express our gratitude for their efforts and contributions, a "Thankful Day" was conducted by the Group where gift vouchers and cookies were distributed for free. 员工保龄球赛2022/2023 Staff Bowling Tournament 2022/2023 25/06 本届赛事精彩刺激,由12队参赛队伍竞逐男女子个人及队际奖项。感谢一众嘉宾及董事局成员参与其中! This year's tournament was filled with excitement, with a total of 12 teams competing for the men's and women's individual and team championships. Many thanks to the guests and my fellow Board Members for taking part in the event! 我为员工送上购物礼券,鼓舞大家! I delivered gift vouchers to staff members as a gesture of support. 韦浩文副主席致欢迎辞。 Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman, Vice-Chairman, delivered a welcome speech. 韦浩文副主席及曾庆业副主席颁发奖杯予嘉宾友谊赛队际冠、亚、季军。 Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman, Vice-Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York, Vice-Chairman, presented awards to the winners of the friendly match team competition. Support!!