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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 37 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 教育局首次与东华三院合办「学校疫苗接种日」 Education Bureau and TWGHs Co-Organised the “School Vaccination Day” for the First Time 劳工及福利局局长及社会福利署署长视察启德检疫中心 Secretary for Labour and Welfare and Director of Social Welfare visited Kai Tak Quarantine Centre 05/08 01/09 由于疫情反弹,本院再获邀协助营运启德检疫中心,负责130张入住安老院友床位的照顾服务,包括膳食、护理及健康监察。 Owing to pandemic resurgence, TWGHs was again invited to jointly operate Kai Tak Quarantine Centre, providing care services to the elderly in 130 beds during their stay, including basic meals, nursing support and health monitoring. 该活动于东华三院邱子田纪念中学举行,为本院属下及其它屯门区内的学校约170位学生及家长接种疫苗。 The Event was held at TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College, where vaccinations were provided for around 170 students and parents from TWGHs schools and other schools in Tuen Mun District. 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士(左五)与我们一同支持「学校疫苗接种日」。 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (left 5), Secretary for Education, supported the "School Vaccination Day" with us. 我与劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士(左图,左六)及社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士(左图,右七)亲临中心视察,了解中心 投入运行前的准备工作,并为工作人员打气。 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP (left photo, left 6), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss. LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (left photo, right 7), Director of Social Welfare, and I visited the Centre to learn more about the preparatory work prior to its operation, as we showed our appreciation to the staff.