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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 39 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 本院「圆满人生服务」举行该活动,透过体验式展览、剧场、艺术工作坊等多元化的生死教育,向公众倡导生前规划身后事的 重要性,打破对死亡的禁忌,并鼓励反思生命价值,活在当下。 The event was held by the "Endless Care Services" Services of the Group. Through a diverse range of programmes about life and death education, including interactive exhibitions, dramas and art workshops, the event advocated the importance of planning one's afterlife, sought to break the taboo on death, and encouraged the public to reflect on the value of life and live in the present moment. 「存为爱」生命探索之旅 “Live to Love” Life Journey 07-10/07 我与时任安老事务委员会主席林正财医生SBS太平绅士(左六)为活动主持启动仪式。 Dr. the Hon. LAM Ching Choi, SBS, JP (left 6), the then Chairman of the Elderly Commission, and I officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the event. 大家一同参观展览活动。 We visited an exhibition of the event together.