2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 44 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 新界总商会呈献:中秋温惩心连心(荃湾区)暨世界和平书法日 New Territories General Chamber of Commerce Presents: Mid-Autumn Festival (Tsuen Wan District) cum World Peace Calligraphy Day 啬色园壬寅年赤松黄大仙诞黄大仙祠参神及晚宴 Worship Ceremony and Banquet of Sik Sik Yuen Birthday of Master Cisong Wong Tai Sin 03/09 18/09 为庆祝赤松黄大仙师宝诞,我与壬寅年董事局按传统到黄大仙祠参神,祈求黄大仙师福佑大家,并与啬色园主席马泽华先生MH, CStJ(左六)及啬色园董事会成员聚首一堂。 To celebrate the Birthday of Master Cisong Wong Tai Sin, members of Board of Directors 2022/2023 and I observed the traditional custom by paying homage at Wong Tai Sin Temple, as together we prayed for good fortune for everyone. We had a joyful meeting with Mr. MA Chak Wa, Stephen, MH, CStJ (left 6), Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen, and other Board Members of Sik Sik Yuen. 我与惩教署署长黄国兴CSDSM(第二排左八)、新界 总商会会长张德熙博士(第二排左九)、东华三院陈 兆民中学及东华三院辛亥年总理中学学生出席活动, 齐在灯笼上写上祝福语。 Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services (second row, left 8), Dr. Haywood CHEUNG (second row, left 9), President of New Territories General Chamber of Commerce, students of TWGHs Chen Zao Men College and TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College, and I attended the event and wrote blessings on the lanterns. 在场超过400位参加者一同写书法, 成功创造联合国可持续发展目标世 界纪录。 More than 400 participants wrote calligraphy on site to create a world record for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 我在啬色园壬寅年赤松黄大仙寳诞联欢晚宴上致辞。 I delivered a speech at the Sik Sik Yuen Birthday of Master Cisong Wong Tai Sin Banquet.