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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 49 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 活动典礼 Events and Ceremonies 东华三院杰出学生奖暨香港中学文凭考试优异成绩奖颁奖礼2022 Prize Presentation Ceremony for TWGHs Student of the Year Awards cum HKDSE Outstanding Awards 2022 30/07 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 今年共有89名来自本院属下中学、小学、特殊学校及幼稚园 的学生获选为杰出学生。 A total of 89 students from TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools, special schools and kindergartens were selected as Students of the Year. 为表扬在学业成绩、品行、课外活动及服务等各方面均有杰出表现的属校学生,本院举行了是次颁奖礼。 A Prize Presentation Ceremony was held in recognition of TWGHs students with outstanding performance and achievement in academic, conduct, extra-curricular activities and services. 另有15名在文凭试考获4 科最佳成绩总分 达24分或以上的学生获颁中学文凭考试优 异成绩奖。 A total of 15 students who had obtained 24 points or above in their best 4 subjects in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) were given the HKDSE Outstanding Awards.