2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 55 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 「欢乐满东华」是本院年度大型筹募项目,为本院医疗衞生、教育及社会服务筹募拓展经费。今年活动以 「东华为善.世纪不变」为 主题,举行一系列募捐活动,当中包括假电视广播城举行的压轴电视筹款晚会。全赖各界善长鼎力支持,是次筹款活动总共筹得 126,888,888元善款,让更多有需要人士受惠。 "Tung Wah Charity Gala" is our annual signature event to raise funds for the development of TWGHs medical and health, education, and community services. Under the theme of "Tung Wah: Dedication to Charity, Devotion for Centuries" this year, a series of fundraising activities was held, including the finale TV Charity Show at TVB City. Thanks to the generous support of benefactors from all walks of life, a total of $126,888,888 was raised for the benefit of more people in need. 欢乐满东华2022慈善晚会 Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022 TV Show 欢乐满东华2022 Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022 季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2022十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 我与董事局成员在热线中心为一众志愿者打气。 My fellow Board members and I rooted for the volunteers at the donation hotline centre. 非常感谢民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅士(左十)担任主礼嘉宾。 Our gratitude goes to the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (left 10), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, for officiating at the Ceremony. SPEED 03/12