2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 57 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 新闻招待会上演艺界嘉宾齐声呼吁市 民,支持东华三院筹款活动。 Artistes called on the public to support the Group's fund-raising activities at the Press Conference. 09/11 23/11 我联同筹委会成员及电视广播有限公司非戏剧组制作部经理何小慧小姐 (左二),在新闻界招待会上简介「欢乐满东华」电视慈善晚会的节目。 Together with members of the Organising Committee and Ms. HO Siu Wai, Stella (left 2), Manager, Non-drama Production Department, Television Broadcasts Limited, I introduced the programmes of "Tung Wah Charity Gala" TV Show at the Press Conference. 我与一众嘉宾为「欢乐满东华2022」揭开序幕。 The fellow guests and I kicked off the "Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022" together. 开展仪式 Kick-off Ceremony 新闻界招待会 Press Conference Thank you! !! 感谢