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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 66 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 「银铃‧响动人生」计划启动礼 Kick-off Ceremony of “Silver Bell – Ring Our Lives” 26-27/11 该启动礼于荃湾愉景新城举行,超过1,000名市民莅临参与。现场设有多元化摊位,展示了本院专为年轻长者而设打造的丰富 创意服务,宣扬「退而不休,休而行乐,乐而回馈,响动人生」的正面讯息。 The Ceremony was held at D·Park in Tsuen Wan, attended by more than 1,000 visitors. A variety of creative services for the young elderly was presented at various booths to promote the positive message of "Retiring yet rewiring; Rewiring yet enjoying; Enjoying yet contributing; Ringing our Lives Together! ". 主礼嘉宾社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士(右七)连同其它嘉宾及 董事局成员为「银铃‧响动人生」计划揭开序幕。 Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (right 7), Director of Social Welfare, kicked off the Ceremony with other guests and the Board Members. 年轻长者无伴奏乐队"UPBEAT" 与年青人合唱,尽显跨代共融。 The Young-Old Acapella band "UPBEAT" sang with a youth choir to demonstrate cross-generational integration. 多元化特色摊位呈现本院创新的年轻长者服务。 The Group's innovative services for the young elderly were presented at various booths.