2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 71 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 与民政及青年事务局局长及副局长交流会面 Meeting with Secretary and Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs 12/10 我及本院执行委员会委员向民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅士(前排右四)和副局长梁宏正BBS太平绅士(前排右三), 汇报本院服务和发展计划,促进双方合作。 Along with members of the TWGHs Executive Committee, I shared the Group's current services and development plans with the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (front row, right 4), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, and Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (front row, right 3), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, to foster collaboration. 本院获邀出席「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中的家国情」 展览开幕典礼 TWGHs’ Participation in Opening Ceremony of “Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong Historic Buildings” 09/11 发展局局长甯汉豪太平绅士(中)、古物咨询委员会主席苏彰德BBS 太平绅士(左一)、国家文物局副局长陆进(左二)、保育历史建筑谘 询委员会主席刘智鹏教授(右一)与我一同出席开幕典礼。 The Hon. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP (centre), Secretary for Development, Mr. SO Cheung Tak, Douglas, BBS, JP (left 1), Chairman of the Antiquities Advisory Board, Mr. LU Jin (left 2), Deputy Administrator of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, and Prof. LAU Chi Pang (right 1), Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Built Heritage Conversation, and I attended the Opening Ceremony. 本院特别借出8 项珍贵文物及档案展出。 Eight valuable artefacts and archives from TWGHs were on display. 该展览由古物古迹办事处策划、国家文物局及发展局合办,以庆祝香港特别行政区成立25周年。 Curated by the Antiquities and Monuments Office, and co-organised by the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Development Bureau, the Exhibition was held to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR.