2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 72 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 与劳工及福利局和社会福利署交流会面 Meeting with Labour and Welfare Bureau and Social Welfare Department 19/11 该活动于东华三院赛马会复康中心举行,我带领董事局成员与劳 工及福利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士(前排左七)、副局长何启明太平 绅士(前排右五)、社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士(前排左三)及 有关官员会面,汇报本院服务及发展计划,加强双方的交流与合作。 The meeting was held at TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex (JCRC). I led the Board Members met with The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP (front row, left 7), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP (front row, right 5), Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (front row, left 3), Director of Social Welfare, and other officials to share the current service and development plans of the Group, facilitating effective communication and collaboration. 官员参观复康中心的中央药物管理处及医用口罩无尘工场。 The officials visited the Centralised Drug Management Office of JCRC and the Medical Mask Production Cleanroom of TWGHs. 劳工及福利局局长到访东华三院方树泉综合 家居照顾服务中心 Secretary for Labour and Welfare Visited TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Integrated Home Care Services Centre 01/12 劳工及褔利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士(中)连同社会福利署助理署长 (安老服务)陈德义先生(右一),以及一众嘉宾探访该中心家居服务团 队的厨房,了解有关服务。 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, JP (centre), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, accompanied by Mr. TAN Tick Yee (right 1), Assistant Director (Elderly) of the Social Welfare Department, visited the Centre's kitchen along with other guests to learn about its services. 参访团队了解出餐流程及特别餐类别。 The delegation learnt about the meal preparation process as well as the meal categories.