2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 76 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 感谢主办机构URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED董事长Mr. Asad MAHMOOD(左四)、董事长林志鸿先生(左一)及 董事长林展辉先生(左二),以及LINE FRIENDS代表包括Head of Business Development Ms. Dora CHUNG(右三)及IP & Brand Management Senior Manager Ms. Kay HUNG(右二)的支持。 Our gratitude went to Mr. Asad MAHMOOD (left 4), Mr. Edwin LAM (left 1), and Mr. Chino LAM (left 2), Presidents of URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED, the Organiser; and representatives of LINE FRIENDS, including Ms. Dora CHUNG (right 3), Head of Business Development, and Ms. Kay HUNG (right 2), IP & Brand Management Senior Manager, for their support. LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU 善心‧慈善活动 LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU KIND-HEARTED CHARITY ROADSHOW 本院获邀成为活动的受惠机构,活动收益扣除成本后,拨捐支持本院社会服务。 TWGHs was invited to be the beneficiary organisation. Proceeds, after cost deduction, were donated to the Group in support of its community services. 19-23/11 HKT全力赞助:东华三院慈善粤剧专场《修罗殿》 HKT proudly sponsors: TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera Show The Asura Judgement 本院再次获福陞粤剧团邀请担任慈善专场合作伙伴,为东华三院「智趣游」认知障碍症支援服务试验计划筹募经费。 TWGHs was once again invited to be the Charity Cantonese Opera Show partner from Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe. The funds raised would be earmarked for the TWGHs "Fun Travel" Pilot Project on Dementia Service. 16/12 共襄善举 Support for Good Deeds 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 我与主礼嘉宾社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士(右五),联同筹委会委员、福陞 粤剧团代表汪明荃博士(左四)主持开锣仪式。 Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (right 5), Director of Social Welfare, members of the Organising Committee, Dr. Liza WANG (left 4), representative of Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe, and I officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. 福陞粤剧团台柱罗家英博 士及汪明荃博士演出精湛。 Dr. LAW Ka Ying and Dr. Liza WANG delivered a superb performance.