2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 83 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 庆祝香港大学中医药临床教研中心成立20周年 In Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine 23/11 本院董事局宴请中医服务单位员工,感谢他们一直以专业精神提供优质中医药服务,并庆祝该中心成立20周年。 The Board of Directors invited the staff of the Chinese Medicine Service units to a dinner banquet in appreciation of their professional Chinese medicine services to the community and in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Centre. 我在致辞时赞扬中医团队在疫情期间 发挥强大的团队合作精神,坚守岗位。 I praised the Chinese Medicine Service staff for their remarkable team spirit and dedication during the pandemic. 广华医院生日参神仪式 Birthday Worship Ceremony of Kwong Wah Hospital 07/10 广华医院踏入111周年,本院特此于东华三院文物馆为医院举行生日参神仪式,祈求神农皇庇佑各位同事身体健康、工作顺利, 并保佑病人早沾勿药。 As Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) saw its 111th Anniversary, a Birthday Worship Ceremony was organised at Tung Wah Museum. We prayed sincerely for good health and smooth work of colleagues and early recovery of patients.