2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 6 我会坚守和发扬东华三院的慈善精神,带 领本院在善业路上继续迈步向前,落实 「 弘善扬道,博施利群」的管治目标。 I asserted my full commitment to upholding and promoting the benevolent spirit of TWGHs and leading the Group towards a bright future on the philanthropic road to achieve this year's governance motto "To Promote Charity and Philanthropy for Public Good". 感谢时任署理民政事务局局长 陈积志太平绅士(中)担任主 礼嘉宾。 Our deep gratitude goes to Mr. CHAN Jick Chi, Jack, JP (centre), the then Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, for officiating at the Ceremony. 我联同其它董事局成员宣誓就职。 I led my fellow Board Members to take the oath of office. 时任署理民政事务局局长陈积志太平绅士(左八)及时任食物及衞生局局长陈肇始教授太平绅士(右七)拨冗出席交代就职典礼,实属本院荣幸。 It is our honour that Mr. CHAN Jick Chi, Jack, JP (left 8), the then Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, and Prof. the Hon. CHAN Siu Chee, Sophia, JP (right 7), the then Secretary for Food and Health, graced the Inauguration Ceremony.