2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 92 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 该晚宴假香港瑰丽酒店宴会大礼堂举行,为「东华三院乐仪癌病治疗资助基金」筹募经费,资助有临床需要及合资格的 乳癌病人接受治疗。 The Dinner was held at the Grand Ballroom of Rosewood Hong Kong to raise funds for the "TWGHs MK Cancer Treatment Subsidy Fund" in support of eligible breast cancer patients to receive treatment. 晚宴以「畅游世界」为主题,象征本院152年来用心服务市民,同行万里。 The theme of the Event, "Travel Around the World", was a vivid metaphor of how TWGHs had dedicated itself to serving the community by walking alongside Hong Kong people for 152 years. 非常感谢政务司司长陈国基 GBS, IDSM 太平绅士(左六) 出席支持,并担任主礼嘉宾。 We are grateful to the Hon. CHAN Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP (left 6), Chief Secretary for Administration, for supporting us as the Guest of Honour. 04/03 东华三院152 周年慈善晚宴「畅游世界」 TWGHs 152nd Anniversary Charity Dinner · Travel Around the World 歌手艺人和世界各具特色的传统表演团队献艺。 Artistes and iconic performers from all over the world delivered spectacular performances for the Event.