2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

领导管治Governance and Chairmanship 94 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 董事局轮东宴 Directors’ Dinner Party 13/01 董事局成员与嘉宾聚首一堂,共度轻松愉快的晚上。 Board Members and guests had a relaxing and enjoyable evening together. 策略发展工作坊2022/2023 Strategic Planning Workshop 2022/2023 08/02 是次晚宴由现届副主席及总理设宴款待,藉此维系与历任董事局成员、长期支持本院服务的善长及机构代表的友好关系。 The Dinner Party was hosted by the incumbent Vice-Chairmen and Directors to maintain a strong relationship and strengthen the interaction with former Board Members as well as the Group's long-standing donors and organisation representatives. 我联同其它执行委员会委员及高级职员,规划第二份五年策略发展计划,作为2023/2024至2027/2028年度持 续发展的蓝图,并就未来数年的服务计划作出规划,以迎合社会多变的需要及提升本院的服务质素。 Along with other members of the Executive Committee and Senior Staff, we formulated the second five-year strategic plan for 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 as our blueprint for continuous development of the Group, and mapped out our service plans in response to the changing needs of the society for enhancement of service quality.