Contemporary Art | Hong Kong

Contemporary Art | Hong Kong

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 14. People In The Place They Love: People #133 | People In The Place They Love: People #133.

FWENCLUB by AllRightsReserved will donate all proceeds (excluding the buyer's premium and overhead premium charged directly by Sotheby's Hong Kong), to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals "Share Love & Fight the Epidemic" Donation Campaign to provide anti-epidemic support to the frontline staff and the underprivileged in need | FWENCLUB by AllRightsReserved將全數捐出本拍賣品之收益(不包括香港蘇富比另行收取之買家酬金及營運附加費)予「東華三院.分享愛.疫境同行」捐助計劃,以支援前線人員及弱勢社群抗疫


People In The Place They Love: People #133 | People In The Place They Love: People #133

Lot Closed

March 15, 03:14 AM GMT


Upon Request

Lot Details


FWENCLUB by AllRightsReserved will donate all proceeds (excluding the buyer's premium and overhead premium charged directly by Sotheby's Hong Kong), to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals "Share Love & Fight the Epidemic" Donation Campaign to provide anti-epidemic support to the frontline staff and the underprivileged in need


Est. 2022 

People In The Place They Love: People #133


Minted in 2022, this is from Yusuke Hanai's People In The Place They Love series of 1000 NFTs, each dressed in unique hand-drawn attributes.


“People In The Place They Love” is a collection of 1,000 NFTs- specially designed, dressed in unique hand-drawn attributes. This is the 1st out of 3 phases of Yusuke Hanai’s NFT project. NFT holders are able to gain membership access to the exclusive Yusuke Hanai collectors’ community with ever-growing benefits and offers. 


FWENCLUB by AllRightsReserved將全數捐出本拍賣品之收益(不包括香港蘇富比另行收取之買家酬金及營運附加費)予「東華三院.分享愛.疫境同行」捐助計劃,以支援前線人員及弱勢社群抗疫 



People In The Place They Love: People #133


2022年鑄幣,此作品為花井祐介《People In The Place They Love》中1000個非同質化代幣,每持不一的特徵屬性。 




《People In The Place They Love》系列為日本藝術家花井祐介推出的NFT系列作品,合共1,000 個 NFT,每個持不同手繪特質屬性,是該系列三個階段的第一波。非同質化代幣持有者將享花井祐介藏家群獨家的會員推廣及優遇。