TWGHs Signature Services Video 9: Louisa So introduced iBakery and i+o Styling Studio

Louisa So had visited TWGHs iBakery at Kennedy Town and introduced two social enterprises – iBakery and i+o Styling Studio. She realized the importance of “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” during the shooting at iBakery. She was proud of TWGHs as its social enterprises strive to help the needy to develop their potential and build their life.

The Last Episode: Being a Chinese Medicine Dispenser and Assistant
Broadcast on CRHK’s “Holy Tricky” on 6 November

145th Anniversary Celebration Activities: TWGHs Special Occupation Recruitment
The Last Episode: Being a Chinese Medicine Dispenser and Assistant

Two participants got precious experience of being Chinese Medicine Dispenser and Assistant at TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang Centre of Integrated Health Management and TWGHs Jockey Club Chinese Medicine Dispensary. Besides assisting in doing acupuncture on the patient, they had a try at dispensing the prescription. After working at the Chinese medicine dispensary and the centre for a day, both participants had a more in-depth understanding of the job. They also admired the professionalism and attentiveness of the Chinese Medicine Dispenser and Assistant.

TWGHs Signature Services Video 8: Richard Ng and Carl Ng introduced the Endless Care Services for the Elderly

Richard Ng and his son, Carl Ng explore more about the Endless Care Services for the Elderly at Life X which is a centre located at Kwun Tong. After the visit at Life X, Richard and Carl understood that the fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself, possessing positive attitude towards birth and death is the best way to live the life.