2022-2023 年报 Annual Report


李家超大紫荆勋贤SBS, PDSM, PMSM The Hon. LEE Ka Chiu, John, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM The Chief Executive 行政长官

陈国基GBS, IDSM太平绅士 The Hon. CHAN Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP The Chief Secretary for Administration 政务司司长

陈茂波大紫荆勋贤GBS, MH太平绅士 The Hon. CHAN Mo Po, Paul, GBM, GBS, MH, JP The Financial Secretary 财政司司长

林定国SBS, SC 太平绅士 The Hon. LAM Ting Kwok, Paul, SBS, SC, JP The Secretary for Justice 律政司司长

卓永兴GBS 太平绅士 The Hon. CHEUK Wing Hing, GBS, JP Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration 政务司副司长

黄伟纶GBS 太平绅士 The Hon. WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP Deputy Financial Secretary 财政司副司长

张国钧SBS 太平绅士 The Hon. CHEUNG Kwok Kwan, SBS, JP Deputy Secretary for Justice 律政司副司长

麦美娟SBS 太平绅士 The Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs 民政及青年事务局局长

卢宠茂教授BBS 太平绅士 Prof. the Hon. LO Chung Mau, BBS, JP Secretary for Health 医务衞生局局长

蔡若莲博士太平绅士 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP Secretary for Education 教育局局长

孙玉菡太平绅士 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP Secretary for Labour and Welfare 劳工及福利局局长

杨润雄GBS 太平绅士 The Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism 文化体育及旅游局局长

谢展寰BBS 太平绅士 The Hon. TSE Chin Wan, BBS, JP Secretary for Environment and Ecology 环境及生态局局长

邓炳强GBS, PDSM太平绅士 The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP Secretary for Security 保安局局长

东华三院壬寅年年报 弘爱彰善 恩泽万家 房屋局局长何永贤 何永贤太平绅士 The Hon. Winnie HO, JP Secretary for Housing 房屋局局长

林世雄GBS 太平绅士 The Hon. LAM Sai Hung, GBS, JP Secretary for Transport and Logistics 运输及物流局局长

丘应桦太平绅士 The Hon. Algernon YAU, JP Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development 商务及经济发展局局长

甯汉豪太平绅士 The Hon. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP Secretary for Development 发展局局长

杨何蓓茵太平绅士 The Hon. Mrs. YEUNG HO Poi Yan, Ingrid, JP Secretary for the Civil Service 公务员事务局局长

孙东教授太平绅士 Prof. the Hon. SUN Dong, JP Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry 创新科技及工业局局长

曾国衞GBS, IDSM太平绅士 The Hon. TSANG Kwok Wai, Erick, GBS, IDSM, JP Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs 政制及内地事务局局长

许正宇GBS 太平绅士 The Hon. HUI Ching Yu, Christopher, GBS, JP Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury 财经事务及库务局局长




Every time when I step into the Assembly Hall of TWGHs Li Shiu Chung Memorial Building, I am enthralled by the heritages from classic plaques and couplets to solemn stone inscriptions and porcelain photos. All these historical heritages serve as a constant reminder of how onerous the journey has been for TWGHs over the past 150 years, throughout which we must remain committed to universal mercy and succour by enhancing public welfare and adhering to our mission of serving the public. Therefore, I am deeply convinced that at TWGHs, the Chairman is as much a protector passing on the philanthropic legacy and wisdom of our predecessors as a pioneer pursuing innovation for charity. As LIANG Qichao's The Young China goes, "Nostalgia breeds conservatism, while hope brings progress. Conservatism cleaves to an unchanging yesterday, while progress drives an evolving tomorrow." Instead of standing still, we must uphold the common faith together and preserve the charitable acts and hearts of TWGHs, embracing innovation and responding to the needs of the new era in a fearless manner. Only in doing so can the philanthropy and services of TWGHs move forward in tandem with the society and benefit the citizens. With "Promoting Charity and Philanthropy for Public Good" as the governance motto for the year, we have been keen on forging new fund-raising platforms with the use of technology. Creative mindset, forward-looking vision and brand-new approaches have been employed to add value to and push the boundaries of all services on many fronts, such as medical and health, education, community, cultural preservation and traditional service, so that TWGHs could achieve sustainable development and philanthropic endeavours while realising our original aspirations in doing good deeds. My sincere gratitude goes to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Advisory Board, predecessors, benefactors, corporations and dear friends for their support and guidance, as well as the Board of Directors 2022/2023 and TWGHs team for their concerted efforts. Without them, there was no way for the above targets to be achieved over the past year. 每当我步入东华三院李兆忠纪念大楼礼 堂时,墙上一块块古雅的牌匾和对联, 一幅幅庄严的碑记和瓷相,眼前这些历 史印记都时刻提醒著我,东华三院走过 的一百五十多年悠久历史殊不容易,必 须「常怀普济众生心」,以大众福祉为本, 以服务市民为己任,矢志不变。所以我 深信东华三院主席,既要肩负传承先贤 前辈善业及智能的守护者,亦要担当善 道上勇于创新的先驱者。诚如梁启超先 生于《少年中国说》所云:「惟留恋也, 故保守;惟希望也,故进取。惟保守也, 故永旧;惟进取也,故日新」。我们须 持守相同的信念,既要传承东华三院 的善行仁心,但亦不能固步自封,更要 无惧创新,回应新时代的需求,才能让 东华三院的慈善事业及服务,与社会同 步发展、福泽利民。 本年度的管治理念是「弘善扬道,博施 利群」,我们勇于破旧立新,善用科技, 开拓筹募新平台,以创新思维、远瞻视 野、崭新手法,为各项服务增添新价值、 扩阔发展空间,让本院在医疗衞生、教 育、社会、文化保育和公共服务等各 方面得以持续发展,博施济众,弘扬 东华三院的行善初心。要达到上述的目 标,有赖在过去一年香港特区政府、顾 问局、前贤、善长、企业等各方友好的 匡扶指导,以及壬寅年董事局仝人和 东华三院上下团队的并肩同行,我谨首 先致以由衷感谢。 前言FOREWORD

Unwavering Anti-epidemic Efforts with Cross-Sector Cooperation 各方携手支援 抗疫从不松懈 Amid the erratic development of the COVID-19 pandemic across the territory in 2022, TWGHs took on the anti-epidemic challenges with vigilance, and responded to community needs by working together with different sectors. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of all service units and professional teams of TWGHs, the Group continued to tide over the difficult times by implementing various measures and actions in “epidemic prevention, epidemic control and epidemic relief”. All these were done to forestall and combat the pandemic, support the curb of spread, and relieve the hardship of people in response to community needs for mutual help. In epidemic prevention, TWGHs urged the elderly, its students and employees to protect themselves and others through vaccination, for the purpose of supporting the Government‘s "Early Vaccination for All" campaign and reducing the chance of potential outbreak. Dispatch of visiting medical officers or outreach medical organisations was expedited to provide vaccination under the Government’s vaccination programme for eligible residents at 25 residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) of the Group. As at January 2023, residents in the RCHEs who had received the 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses of vaccination reached as much as 97%, 96% and 87% respectively. To protect students from the pandemic, TWGHs was the 1st sponsoring body to co-organise “School Vaccination Day” with the Education Bureau, with Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, attending the 1st vaccination activity at TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College on 5 August 2022. Meanwhile, TWGHs medical teams were deployed to provide vaccination services at 33 TWGHs schools, and 10 TWGHs schools organised students and parents to join the vaccination programme under the Home Affairs Department. Up to March 2023, more than 4,000 primary students and more than 2,000 kindergarten students participated in the vaccination activities while the vaccination rates at TWGHs secondary schools and special schools both exceeded 80%. TWGHs granted a special leave of up to half a working day to its eligible staff who were either parents or guardians to take their children aged under 3 to receive COVID-19 vaccination. Moreover, COVID-19 vaccination services were also provided at 2 TWGHs medical centres, with over 3,300 doses of vaccines already administered to citizens. In epidemic control, along with the special launch of free online Chinese medicine consultation during 2022, TWGHs provided virtual health consultation and quality Chinese medicine services that benefitted a total of 5,590 COVID-19 patients. Moreover, as commissioned by the Social Welfare Department to operate Kai Tak Holding Centre and Quarantine Centre at Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in 2022, TWGHs set up a professional team composed of staff from the Community Services Division. By offering basic meals, caring services and psychological support to 149 elderly patients confirmed with mild COVID-19 symptoms as well as 397 residents in RCHEs classified as close contacts, TWGHs demonstrated the professional dedication in caring for the sick. TWGHs was not alone in the fight against the pandemic, with anti-epidemic supplies pouring in generously from different sectors to our RCHEs and the community services units for better protection and safety of our frontline staff and residents. The outreaching service team of the service units also distributed supplies among residents living in subdivided unit and the elderly in the community to reduce the risk of virus spread in the community. Three hundred TWGHs staff members also formed a team of volunteers who helped the Government to pack and distribute "antiepidemic service bags" to various areas across the territory. In addition to that, TWGHs relaunched the “ TWGHs Share Love & Fight the Epidemic” Donation Campaign for raising fund in support of frontline staff and the disadvantaged groups with anti-epidemic supplies, measures and related services. In epidemic relief, to alleviate the shortage of facilities at public hospital mortuaries and public mortuaries, TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour loaned out 45 body storage spaces for use by the Department of Health and opened 3 halls for the trade free of charge at TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour, which was later designated for holding of viewing ceremonies and provided, among others, a quota of 100 times of free direct transit 2022 年,香港继续面临冠状病毒疫情反复不定, 东华三院无惧疫情挑战,抗疫工作从不松懈,适 时回应社会的各方需要,与各界携手,同心抗疫。 在属下各服务单位及专业尽责团队群策群力下, 东华三院继续实行「防疫、抗疫、纾困」多项应 急措施及行动,以防止及应对疫情爆发、支援感 染控制和纾解民生社困,同舟共济。 在防疫工作上,东华三院响应政府「全城起动, 快打疫苗」运动,积极鼓励长者、学童及员工接 种疫苗,护己护人,减低病毒爆发机会。本院 属下25 所安老院舍配合政府的疫苗接种计划, 加快安排到诊医生或外展医疗机构,为合适院友 提供疫苗接种。截至2023 年1 月,本院安老院 院友第一、二及三剂疫苗接种比率已达到百分之 九十七、九十六及八十七。在学童防疫方面,本 院是首个与教育局合办「学校疫苗接种日」的办 学团体;教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士于2022 年8 月5 日更到访东华三院邱子田纪念中学,出 席首次接种活动。除此之外,本院先后派出医疗 团队为33 所属校提供到校疫苗注射服务,并有 10 所属校组织学生及家长参加民政事务总署安排 的疫苗接种计划。截至2023 年3 月,属校合共 有4,000多名小学生及2,000多名幼稚园学生参加 接种疫苗活动,而院属中学及特殊学校接种率均 超过8 成。本院更让作为父母或监护人的合资格 东华三院员工可于工作天放取不多于半天特许缺 勤,陪同其3 岁以下的子女接种新冠疫苗。本院 亦于属下两个医疗中心提供新冠疫苗接种服务, 至今已经为市民接种超过3,300 剂疫苗。 在抗疫工作上,本院于2022 年特别推出中医网 上义诊服务,为感染新冠病毒的病人提供视像健 康咨询服务,得到适切的中医治疗服务,共惠 及5,590 位病人。此外,本院于2022 年受社会福 利署委托营运位于启德邮轮码头的启德暂托中心 及检疫中心,由属下社会服务科组成专业团队, 先后为确诊的轻症长者及被列为密切接触者的安 老院院友提供基本膳食、护理及心理支援服务, 共照顾149 名确诊长者及397 名被列为密切接触 者的安老院院友,展现东华三院扶病拯危的专业 承担。本院亦连系各界携手抗疫,属下院舍及社 会服务科获各界热心捐赠大量防疫物资,以助更 好地保护前线员工及院友的安全,单位外展服务 队亦将物资派发予劏房户及社区长者,从而减少 病毒在社区扩散的风险。本院亦组织300 名员工 组成抗疫志愿者团队到港九新界多处协助政府包 装及派发「防疫服务包」。另外,本院再度推出 「东华三院 · 分享爱 · 疫境同行」捐助计划,以筹 募善款用作支援前线人员及弱势社群,为他们提 供防疫用品、措施及相关服务。 在纾困工作上,为纾缓公营医院殓房及公众殓房 不敷应用,属下寰宇殡仪馆殓房借出合共45 个 遗体存放位置予衞生署使用及开放3 个灵堂予专 门供殡仪业界免费借用,及后又将东华三院寰宇 殡仪馆转为新冠离世人士指定瞻仰遗容殡仪馆, 并为新冠离世人士免费提供100 个直接过境丧礼

服务名额等措施。有关措施合共服务了787 位离 世人士,让逝者安息、生者释怀。本院延长特别 租务紧急纾困措施,向受疫情冲击而面临经营困 难的本院物业下的商舖、补习社或教育中心及旅 行社商户提供租金减免,受影响商户在2022 年 6 月至2023 年1 月可获最高百分之三十的租金宽 减。长达32 个月的物业租赁宽减措施,合共资 助中小企业约680 万元,共度时艰。另外,本院 于本年度应政府邀请,协助推行第六轮防疫抗疫 基金的纾困措施,设立3 个「临时失业支援申请 处理中心」,共核实多达97,630 宗失业援助金申 请,为受疫情影响的市民解燃眉之急。为协助患 长新冠的弱势社群全面康复,本院参与「赛马会 长新冠复康计划」下的院舍支援服务,为居住于 辖下院舍的长新冠患者提供跨界别复康护理。另 外,有见疫情下劏房户生活困难,本院外展服务 队将热心机构捐赠的物资派发给深水埗区及油尖 旺区劏房户。受香港赛马会慈善信托基金委托, 本院亦安排辖下3 间长者地区中心及3 间综合家 居照顾服务中心向居家长者派发包装膳食,合共 553 名服务使用者受惠。有关详情列载于本年年 报的「机构焦点」内。 Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Reunion Together 同心同行同庆 回归二十五周年 东华三院与香港人同心同行逾百五年,今年亦与 全城庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年,连系各 界合力参与及举行多项大型活动同庆回归,当中 包括响应香港特区政府的「共庆回归显关怀」计 划,协助民政事务总署采购30万套保温瓶,赠予 全港18 区的基层家庭,送上温暖。本院亦开创 先河,以大型汽车巡游方式庆祝特区成立25 周 年,冠名赞助港珠澳大桥汽车巡游。活动由香港 汽车会举办,邀得保安局局长邓炳强GBS, PDSM 太平绅士和运输及物流局副局长廖振新太平绅士 等出任主礼嘉宾。全港多个车会及本院招募约 120 辆超级跑车和古董车一同参与巡游,以崭新 概念为基层热食服务筹款之余,亦宣扬港珠澳三 地一心概念。 东华三院悠久历史见证香港回归辉煌岁月,于 2022年特别举办以东华三院历史建筑为主题的历 史摄影比赛,更开放东华义庄及东华医院礼堂等 具历史价值的建筑物供参赛者入内拍摄,比赛设 公开组及学生组,鼓励参加者通过摄影作品,向 大众展现香港的历史文化风采。活动更邀得文化 体育及旅游局局长杨润雄GBS太平绅士亲临主 持颁奖礼。本院属校积极组织及参与不同志庆活 动,加强学生对国民身份的认同和对祖国国情的 了解,其中包括安排学生参观由本院及紫荆杂志 社合办的「璀璨香江」庆祝香港回归25 周年校园 图片展、参与由教育局主办的「第八届《基本法》 暨庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年全港校际问 答比赛」及由香港中华总商会妇女委员会举办的 「庆祝香港回归祖国25 周年《攀登者》电影欣赏 会」,以及于校内举行专题讲座及电影分享会等, 亦鼓励学生善用由中国文化研究院推出的「认识 国情」学生网上自学平台。 Walking alongside Hong Kong people for more than one and a half centuries, TWGHs also joined the city-wide celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR. We reached out to all sectors for joining and co-organising various massive events, including the participation in the “Celebrations for All” project of the HKSAR Government by purchasing 300,000 thermal bottles for the Home Affairs Department to extend warm greetings to deprived families in all 18 districts across the territory. As title sponsor, TWGHs also presented the unprecedented “HZM Bridge Car Parade”, an event hosted by Hong Kong Automobile Association in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, with the Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security, and Mr. LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, officiating. Around 120 supercars and vintage cars from different automobile associations in town and TWGHs were invited, raising fund in an unconventional fashion for the hot meal service for the underprivileged while promoting the connection between Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. As a long-standing organisation, TWGHs is honoured to have witnessed the glorious moment when Hong Kong reunited with the Motherland. In celebration of this historic event, TWGHs held the Historical Buildings Photo Competition in 2022, in which participants were allowed to take photos inside TWGHs buildings with historical values, including Tung Wah Coffin Home and the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. Divided into open and student groups, the competition showcased the tapestry of Hong Kong history and culture to the public through the lens of the participants, with the Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, attending the event as the officiating guest. Meanwhile, TWGHs schools proactively organised and joined a wide array of celebration activities that strengthened the students’ recognition of national identity and their understanding of the national affairs of the Motherland, including having students visit the “Bright Hong Kong” Campus Photo Exhibition Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong jointly organised by the Group and Bauhinia Magazine, participating in the The 8th Basic Law cum the 25th Anniversary of Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Territory-wide Inter-School Competition organised by the Education Bureau, joining “The Climbers - Film Screening in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Hong Kong SAR” hosted by the Ladies’ Committee of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, funeral services for people who died of COVID-19. The relevant measures served 787 deceased COVID-19 patients, resting the soul of the deceased in peace while relieving the families’ grief of loss. By extending the special rental relief, TWGHs offered a rental concession up to 30% between June 2022 and January 2023 to its tenants with distressed businesses due to the pandemic, such as shops, tutorial or education centres and travel agencies. The 32-month measure helped small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ride out challenging times with a subsidy totalling $6.8 million. Besides, at the invitation of the Government during the year, TWGHs supported the launch of the 6th round of Anti-epidemic Fund by setting up 3 “Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centres” to help verify 97,630 applications for unemployment aid, so that citizens plagued by the pandemic could meet their pressing needs. To facilitate the full recovery of the disadvantaged groups with post-COVID conditions, TWGHs provided cross-disciplinary rehabilitation care for patients living in our residential homes with symptoms of long COVID-19, by participating in the residential support services under the "Hong Kong Jockey Club Long COVID-19 Rehabilitation Programme". Meanwhile, in view of the difficulties faced by subdivided households amid the pandemic, TWGHs outreaching service teams distributed the supplies donated by enthusiastic corporations among residents living in subdivided flats in Sham Shui Po District and Yau Tsim Mong District. As commissioned by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, 3 district elderly community centres and 3 integrated home care services centres of TWGHs handed out pre-packed meals to the homebound elderly, benefitting a total of 553 service recipients. For details, please refer to the chapter of “Corporate Highlights” of this Report.

Passing on the Benevolent Heart in Free Medical Services TWGHs has been holding fast to the longstanding mission of “Healing the Sick and Relieving the Distressed” and “Providing Free Medical Services”. To this end, Kwong Wah Hospital always plays a pivotal role. The construction of the new building for Phase 1 of the redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital was successfully completed in December 2022, following which the existing clinical services will continue to serve the public after gradually moving into the new building during the first two quarters in 2023. Meanwhile, Phase 2 of the redevelopment, which is set to commence in the second half of the year, is expected to complete in 2029. Dedicated to developing Chinese medicine services, the Group has begun enhancing the environment and facilities in its Chinese medicine clinics since last year. Relocated to the ground floor of Tung Fai Gardens, opposite to Tung Wah Hospital in May 2022 and named TWGHs Kitty Woo Centre for Succession of Renowned Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine provides Chinese Medicine specialist outpatient services and passes on the experience of renowned Chinese medicine practitioners. The extension and improvement work of other TWGHs Chinese medicine facilities in Tung Wah Hospital is well underway, and expected to be completed by 2024. TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital – Hong Kong Baptist University Sophia Wang Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre also offers a cosier environment for patient care after completion of renovation works in late 2022. Apart from upgrading the infrastructure and ancillary facilities, TWGHs also strives for improvements in medical technology. During the year, the “National Traditional Chinese Medicine Master LIU Minru – 70 Years of Studying and Experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Webinar”, cohosted by TWGHs, China Association of Chinese Medicine and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was held to pass on Master LIU’s academic knowledge and clinical experience, and in turn foster the academic development of gynaecology and obstetrics in Chinese medicine, promote the medical exchange between Mainland China and Hong Kong, and nurture relevant local talents. Given the rapid advancement of technology, TWGHs considered it a must to provide the public with newer and more patient-friendly medical services through innovation and the use of technology systems. In 2022, TWGHs Chinese medicine general outpatient clinics introduced an interactive voice response appointment service, allowing users to make an appointment over the phone anytime, anywhere instead of queuing in person. Meanwhile, online replenishment of Chinese medicine 东华三院一直坚守「救病拯危、赠医施药」的重 要使命,其中广华医院亦肩负当中举足轻重的角 色。广华医院重建计划第一期新大楼的建筑工程 于2022 年12 月竣工,现有的临床服务亦于2023 年首两季逐步迁入新大楼,继续服务巿民;而第 二期重建计划亦即将于下半年展开并预期于2029 年竣工。东华三院一向致力发展中医服务,自去 年开始逐步提升属下中医诊所的环境及设施, 东华三院—香港大学中医药临床教研中心已于 2022 年5 月迁往位于东华医院对面的东辉花园地 下新址,并命名为东华三院胡李名静名中医传承 工作室,提供中医专科门诊服务之外,亦将名中 医的行医经验继续传承;东华医院其它中医设施 的扩建改善工程亦正在进行,预计2024 年全部 完成。另外,东华三院黄大仙医院—香港浸会大 学王李名珍中医药临床研究服务中心的翻新改善 工程亦已于2022 年底完成,为病人提供更舒适 的治疗环境。 除了建设硬件设备配套外,东华三院在提升医疗 技术上亦力求进步。今年度联同中华中医药学会 与成都中医药大学主办在线「刘敏如国医大师从 医70 年女科传承学术交流会」,旨在传承刘敏如 国医大师的学术思想及临床经验,从而推动中医 妇产科的学术发展和促进内地和香港之间的医学 交流,积极培育本地中医人才。 科技发展一日千里,本院亦推陈出新,善用应用 科技系统,为市民提供更崭新及贴心的医疗服 务。本院属下中医普通科门诊部于2022 年推出 电话语音预约服务,方便服务使用者随时随地透 过电话进行预约,毋须亲身到门诊部排队轮筹。 同时亦推出在线中药重配服务,让持有有效处方 传承医者仁心 悬壶普济众生 为与市民一同分享香港特区政府成立25 周年的 喜悦及促进社区和谐共融,本院于2022 年11 月 举行东华三院「银铃‧响动人生」启动礼,一 众充满活力的年青长者以精彩表演,展现个人潜 能,组成另一支庆回归生力军。特区政府提出青 年发展工作及公布首个版本的《青年发展蓝图》, 适逢东华三院天秀墟成立十周年,东华三院于 2022 年12 月举办「细味‧人情‧天秀墟」嘉年 华活动,旨在鼓励青少年发展、庆祝中华人民 共和国香港特别行政区成立二十五周年、回顾天 秀墟十周年服务及营造节日气氛。本院于2022 年12 月举行综艺汇演,邀得立法会议员暨岭南 大学协理副校长刘智鹏教授BBS太平绅士及民政 事务总署助理署长胡钜华太平绅士莅临主礼。汇 演尽展一众属校学生及社会服务使用者多才多艺 的一面,为回归庆祝活动画上完美句号。 Hong Kong, as well as holding feature talks and movie sharing sessions in schools. Students were also encouraged to make good use of the online self-study platform, “Be Acquainted with China”, launched by the Academy of Chinese Studies. To share the joy of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR Government with the public, and to promote a harmonious and inclusive community, TWGHs launched in November 2022 the kick-off ceremony for its “Silver Bell – Ring Our Lives”, which saw a group of energetic young elderly giving full play to their potential in remarkable performances in celebration of the reunion. Given that the HKSAR Government’s youth development work and the launch of the first edition of the Youth Development Blueprint coincided with the 10th anniversary of TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar, the Group hosted the “Tin Sau Bazaar Carnival” in December 2022, with multiple objectives of encouraging youth development, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China, reviewing the service spectrum of Tin Sau Bazaar in the past decade, and boosting the festival atmosphere. In a variety show held in December 2022, TWGHs invited Prof. the Hon. LAU Chi Pang, BBS, JP, Member of the Legislative Council cum Associate Vice-President of Lingnan University, and Mr. WU Kui Wah, Thomas, JP, Assistant Director, Home Affairs Department, as the officiating guests. Thanks to the talent of TWGHs students and users of our community services, the Show was the grand finale of a series of anniversary events.

推动全人教育 全力立德树人 Promoting All-round Education and Cultivating Talents with Good Character 人才培育是香港赖以持续发展的重要元素, 东华三院以「有教无类」为办学宗旨,更不断投 放资源,为学生提供更完善的校园设备及多面向 的学习体验,为社会培育具备世界视野、专业技 能、爱国爱港的栋梁。东华三院蔡荣星小学于 2022 年12 月由美林邨临时校舍迁往位于水泉澳 的全新永久校舍,让学生能在2022/2023 年度下 学期于卓越的学习环境中上课。此外,东华三院 高可宁纪念小学校舍新翼的增补工程已于2022 年11 月完成。延伸校舍设有赛马会慈善信托基 金拨款资助的游乐坊、16 间标准课室、活动中心 及会议室,为学生增添活动空间及更多元化的学 习体验。幼儿教育方面,本院获教育局分配位于 皇后山新入伙公共屋邨的一所幼稚园校舍,以作 东华三院方树福堂幼稚园重置之用,其已于2022 年9 月正式开学。 为奖励在2022 年香港中学文凭考试成绩优异, 品行及课外活动均有杰出表现的学生成功升读 大学,继续发奋图强,本院于2022/2023 学年 除以往已设有的9 项奖学金外,本年度更增设 「东华三院宋陈碧桃奖学金」,颁发给获本地大 学内外全科医学士课程取录的毕业生。其中, 「东华三院文武庙作育英才海外奖学金」 是针对性资助有经济需要而表现优秀的院属 毕业生到内地及海外升学,入读世界顶尖学 府。本年度已有一位受奖学金资助的学生 从英国里兹大学法律系毕业且学成回港。 本年度亦有3 位学生获颁「东华三院北京 清华大学入学奖学金」,其中两位更同时取得 「东华三院文頴怡勤俭忠信奖学金」。本院另设有 「东华三院中银香港国内升学奖学金」18 个名额 及「东华三院黄乾亨基金奖学金」36 个名额,以 支持学生到内地升学。 东华三院一向致力推动「全人教育」,为属校中 小学生提供多元化的活动,方可春风化雨。其中 包括大力推行STEM教育,并把世界体育竞技潮 流融入其中,在香港无人机运动总会协助下,本 院为属下15 所小学举行首届「东华三院少年竞 速无人机比赛」,比赛旨在培养他们在科技上的 解难能力,以及发掘有潜质的学生加以培育。除 了创新思维,本院同样重视学生体艺发展,推行 「专家入课」,让学生于学习中发掘兴趣及专长, 发展个人潜能,其中包括举行了东华三院小学联 校足球竞技比赛及武术比赛。为使学生能多了 解社会及培育他们的公民意识,本院继续举办 「东华三院何超蕸联校公民教育奖」,让参赛学生 需透过构思推广活动,展现他们的创意及对公民 教育的认识。此外,本院属校中小学师生踊跃参 与由教育局及保安局合办的「2022 年国家安全齐 参与」计划,培养学生守法和维护国家安全的意 Talent grooming remains a key element for driving sustainable development in Hong Kong. Upholding the philosophy of “Education for All”, TWGHs deployed resources continuously in providing students with optimised campuses and multi-faceted learning experience, with a view to cultivating talents who are patriotic with global vision and professional skills. In December 2022, TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School moved out of its temporary campus in Mei Lam Estate to a new permanent site in Shui Chuen O for students to enjoy an exceptional learning environment from the 2nd semester of the academic year 2022/2023 onwards. Moreover, top-up works of the new wing of TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School was completed in November 2022. The campus extension comes with a play zone, 16 standard classrooms, an activity centre and conference room, all funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, offering its students extra activity space and a more diversified learning experience. In respect of early childhood education, the Group was given a kindergarten campus at a new public estate in Queen’s Hill by the Education Bureau for reprovisioning of TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten, which commenced schooling in September 2022. To reward students who were admitted to universities in 2022 with excellent performances in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), conduct and extra curriculum activities and to motivate them to aim for higher targets, TWGHs added a new scholarship, namely “TWGHs Momoko Sung Scholarship”, to the 9 existing scholarships in the academic year 2022/2023 for graduates enrolled in any local bachelor programmes of medicine and surgery. Meanwhile, “TWGHs Man Mo Temple Scholarship for Overseas Studies” aims to support outstanding TWGHs graduates with financial needs to pursue tertiary education in renowned universities in Mainland China and abroad. As a case in point, a student under our sponsorship returned Hong Kong during the year upon graduation from the law school of the University of Leeds, UK. Meanwhile, there were 3 students who were awarded “TWGHs Beijing Tsinghua University Entrance Scholarship”, with 2 of them obtaining “Ms. Ginny Man Virtues of TWGHs Scholarship” at the same time. There are also 18 and 36 quotas for “TWGHs Bank of China (Hong Kong) Mainland University Entrance Scholarship” and “TWGHs Philip K.H. Wong Foundation Scholarship” respectively to support students furthering their study in Mainland China. Sparing no effort in promoting “All-round Education”, TWGHs nurtures talents by providing its students with a diverse range of activities. STEM education, blended with competition trends in international sports, is one of the key initiatives. With the assistance from the Hong Kong Drone Sports Association, TWGHs organised for 15 TWGHs primary schools the first “TWGHs Junior Racer Championships”, which was designed to develop their trouble-shooting skills in technology and identify students with potential for further development. Apart from creative minds, TWGHs places equal emphasis on physical and aesthetic development by, for example, organising TWGHs Joint Primary School Soccer Skills Competition and Wu-shu Competition. “In-class Experts” had been introduced to enable students to discover their interests and strengths while developing their individual potential. To enhance students’ understanding of the society and cultivate their civic awareness, TWGHs continued to hold “TWGHs Miss Maisy Ho Joint Schools Civic Education Award”, in which participating students could showcase their creativity and knowledge about civic education by devising promotional activities. In addition, the “2022 Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security” Programme, jointly organised by the Education Bureau and the Security Bureau to educate students about law-abidingness, awareness and responsibility of safeguarding national security, saw an active participation of TWGHs teachers and students. Our students even won 的病者可透过东华三院流动应用程序重配中药浓 缩颗粒、中草药配药或选用煎药服务,并可选择 取药或配送地点,省时便捷。 prescriptions was launched for patients with valid prescriptions to replenish prescriptions of Chinese medicine concentrated granules and herbs, or to opt for decoction services, medicine pick-up points or delivery locations through TWGHs Corporate Mobile Application in a fast and convenient manner.

识和责任感。属校学生更于计划下的「国家安全 标语创作及海报设计比赛」中获奖。 读万卷书不如行万里路,在疫情缓和及符合各 地的防疫规定下,本院于2022 年及2023 年安排 2021/2022 及2022/2023 年度东华三院学生大使, 分别前赴新加坡及伦敦参与交流活动,让同学增 广见闻,拓阔视野。除了培训学生认识世界, 关心社会亦同样重要。本院连续第五年与市区重 建局合办「青年领袖计划」,透过一系列旧区导 赏、工作坊、分享会及联校比赛等多元化活动, 培育学生的创意、团队协作及解难等领袖才能。 今年以「开创宜居新社区」为题,属下共有18 所 中学共143 位学生参与,活动配合由发展局委托 本院营运的地理空间实验室的教学资源,使学生 能运用及发挥地理空间数据的效益,提出改善土 瓜湾区居住环境的方案。此外,本院亦承蒙中 国银行( 香港) 有限公司捐助,开展为期一年的 东华三院「绿色气候先锋」青年领袖计划,旨在 加深学生对气候变化的认识及培养他们成为具有 同理心的年轻领袖。本院用心支援学生及早制定 个人生涯规划,为未来作好准备。本院本年度再 次获民政及青年事务局「青年生涯规划活动资助 计划(2022-25)」拨款800 万元,持续推行「『My Way』中学生生涯发展教育计划」及「中学生/ 离 校生个人升学和就业支援服务」,服务院属中学 合共10,700 位学生、340 位教师及470 位家长, 支援学生生涯规划的发展。为进一步与国内教 育单位紧密交流,本院于2022 年中旬,携手与 保良局、仁济医院、九龙乐善堂、博爱医院及 仁爱堂各大善团的教育部门代表,发起成立粤港 澳办学团体协作平台( 香港),旨在促进两地学 术联系。 本院深明学习不局限于课堂,更可通过举办丰富 多元的师生交流活动,促进教学双长,大大提升 教师专业水平,亦可丰富学生的学习体验,相得 益彰,本年度活动包括:本院属下中学副校长参 与「探索副校长的角色」网上讲座、学校教职员 参加本院教育科与青少年发展企业联盟合办「生 涯规划教育新视野:产业中的行业多元」网上讲 座、属下中、小学学生亦有参与由香港赛马会 举办「小龙马 · 游香港」艺术展览及创作展览中 的25 只「小龙马」雕塑,以及属校中学教师与来 自其它4 间中学的教师参与年度「STEM教育卓 师工作室总结分享会」。再者,53 名属校中学生 参加由觉行念慈基金会举办的「中秋温惩心连心 ( 荃湾区) 暨世界和平书法日」,与会场超过400 位同学及参与者一同挥毫,创下可持续发展目标 SDG世界纪录。本院更联同青识教育发展中心为 超过500 名学校同工举办「国家安全多角度—教 师专业研讨会」,提高老师对《国家安全多角度— 全球个案大搜查》内容的认识,以灵活运用该书, 帮助学生掌握国家安全的观念。东华三院和暨南 大学已签订一份为期5 年的合作协议书,并计划 举办「东华三院校长—暨南大学校长及教师国情 教育培训」。 本院重视对学童学习差异的支援,亦关顾学童、 家长的心灵健康,继东华三院何玉清教育心理服 务中心于2020 年停课初期发布电子绘本《停课的 the “Slogan-cum-Poster Design Competition on National Security” in the same programme. Travelling thousands of miles brings about greater benefits than reading thousands of books. Amid the subsiding epidemic and in compliance with the anti-epidemic requirements overseas, our Student Ambassadors 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 travelled to Singapore and London for exchange activities in 2022 and 2023 respectively to enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Apart from learning about the world, they must also pay heed to social issues. TWGHs has held the “Youth Leaders Programme” for 5 years in a row in collaboration with the Urban Renewal Authority to nurture youngsters’ leadership skills in creativity, teamwork, problem-solving and other areas through a series of diverse activities, ranging from guided tours in old districts, workshops, sharing sessions and joint school competitions. Under the theme of “Creating Liveable Community” this year, 143 students from a total of 18 TWGHs secondary schools took part in the Programme. Coupled with education resources from the Geospatial Lab operated by TWGHs under the commission of the Development Bureau, the programme allowed students to realise the benefits of using geospatial data and devise proposals that improved the living environment in To Kwa Wan. TWGHs also received a donation from Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited to carry out TWGHs “Green Climate Pioneer”, a one-year youth leadership programme designed to strengthen students’ understanding of climate change and cultivate them into young leaders with empathy. We received another $8 million from the "Funding Scheme for Youth Life Planning Activities (2022-25)" of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau to support our students in making early personal life planning and preparing for the future. The funding was earmarked for running the “‘My Way’ Project on Life Planning for Secondary School Students” and “Individual Study and Career Support Service for Secondary School Students and Leavers”, serving a total of 10,700 students, 340 teachers and 470 parents within our secondary schools. To maintain close communication with educational institutions in Mainland China and drive cross-boundary academic collaboration, TWGHs established in mid-2022 the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau School Sponsoring Bodies Collaborating Platform (Hong Kong) with representatives of education departments from other charity groups, namely Po Leung Kuk, Yan Chai Hospital, The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon, Pok Oi Hospital and Yan Oi Tong. TWGHs recognises that learning can be conducted outside the classroom in the form of dynamic and diverse activities aiming to promote exchange between teachers and students for mutual benefit. The professional standard of teachers and learning experience of students can both be enhanced, achieving a win-win situation. Activities during the year include the following: an online seminar titled “Exploring the Role of VicePrincipal” conducted for vice-principals of TWGHs secondary schools, “A New Vision of Career Planning Education: Diversity of Industries in the Industry” Online Seminar co-organised by TWGHs Education Division and the Child Development Initiative Alliance for our teaching staff, and Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC)’s “Drago Cavallo. Travel around HK.” art showcase for our primary and secondary students, who created 25 Drago Cavallo sculptures for the exhibition, and the annual “Concluding Day of CEATE Awardee Workshop (STEM)” for teaching staff from our secondary schools and 4 other secondary schools. Moreover, 53 TWGHs secondary students participated the “Mid-Autumn Festival (Tsuen Wan District) cum World Peace Calligraphy Day” organised by Cultivation of Mercy Charitable Foundation and wrote calligraphy with more than 400 participants on-site, creating a world record for Sustainable Development Goals. Together with Youthinkers, we held the “Holistic View of National Security – Professional Seminar for Teachers”, which enhanced the knowledge of more than 500 staff about a book that covers national security-related cases from around the world and enabled their flexible use of the publication to help students better understand the concept of national security. TWGHs has signed a 5-year Memorandum of Agreement with Jinan University (JNU), with the intention to introduce “Training on National Education for TWGHs Principals – JNU President and Teaching Staff”. TWGHs attaches importance to supporting students’ learning diversity and caring for the mental health of parents and students. Following the launch of the e-picture book Days without Classes are Like Riding

Grooming a New Generation of Talents by Propelling Tertiary Education Tung Wah College (TWC) has been committed to nurturing talents since its inception in 2010. For the academic year 2022/2023, the College received overwhelming responses in enrolment, with over 9,000 direct applications and 18,000 JUPAS applications. In 2022, 1,003 new students were admitted to a variety of full-time degree and sub-degree programmes offered by the School of Nursing, School of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Management, and School of Arts and Humanities of the College. Despite a drop in the number of HKDSE candidates, the College continued to be recognised by students and parents, as reflected in an 8% rise in admission. For Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) Programmes, healthcare-related subsidised places of TWC rose to 635 in the academic year 2023/2024. Following the accreditation of bachelor’s degree programmes in Medical Laboratory Science, Radiation Therapy and Occupational Therapy, TWC’s Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy was also recognised by the Supplementary Medical Professions Council during the year, and became the first accredited selffinanced programme of its kind. This is great news to its students who will be qualified for registration and practice as physiotherapists upon graduation. With the successful establishment of the Honorary Fellowship Conferment, TWC held the 1st Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony, conferring Honorary Fellowships upon 4 distinguished individuals, namely Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Dr. LEE Chung Tak, Joseph, GBS, Prof. FUNG Yuk Kuen, Sylvia, BBS, and Dr. LI Wai Tat, Walton, in recognition of their major contributions to TWC and the society. The establishment marked a significant milestone for TWC while embodying the mission of TWGHs. 东华学院自2010 年开办至今,致力为香港孕育 专才。东华学院2022/2023 学年收生反应踊跃, 共收到逾9,000 份直接入学申请及18,000 份经 「大学联合招生办法」的申请。2022 年,学院共 取录了1,003 名新生入读护理学院、医疗及健康 科学学院、管理学院及人文学院所开办的全日 制学位及副学位课程。即使受到中学文凭试考 生人数下降的影响,学院收生数字仍录得8%升 幅,反映学院及其课程备受学生及家长肯定。于 2023/2024 学年的指定专业∕界别课程资助计划 (SSSDP) 中,东华学院医疗相关的资助学额增至 635 个。继医务化验、放射治疗及职业治疗3 项 学士课程取得专业认证后,东华学院的物理治疗 学( 荣誉) 理学士课程于本年度获辅助医疗业管 理局的专业认证,成为首个取得专业认可的自资 物理治疗学理学士课程。应届毕业生可在本港执 业及申请成为注册物理治疗师,实在可喜可贺。 东华学院今年亦成功设立荣誉院士制度,并举行 第一届荣誉院士颁授典礼,颁授荣誉院士衔予行 政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士、 李宗德博士GBS太平绅士、冯玉娟教授BBS及 李维达医生四位杰出人士,以表扬他们对学院发 展及社会的重大贡献。这是东华学院的一个重要 里程碑,同时亦体现东华三院的使命。 发展专上教育 孕育新生代成专才 日子就像驾驶N42A》绘本,中心于2022 年发布 以专注力为题,配有VR360 虚拟实景画像技术的 《上课的时候就像驾驶42M》,帮助自闭症学生 和家长学习如何在不同的上课情况下保持专注, 迄今已录得超过3,200 次浏览。此外,承蒙利希 慎基金、伍絜宜慈善基金有限公司及嘉里集团赞 助,中心专为家长而设的「家校齐家教」计划于 2022/2023 至2023/2024 学年展开第二阶段服务, 除关注小一至小六学生不同的发展阶段和情绪社 交成长需要外,并进一步扩展至额外6 间小学。 中心于2022 年亦与玛丽医院合办两场研讨会, 与近千名专业人士分享如何识别选择性缄默症和 介入治疗的策略。在照顾教师心灵需要方面,中 心本年度继续推行「东华三院教师身心灵健康计 划」,为属校教师举办不同类型活动及工作坊, 建立正向思维。 a N42A Bus by TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre during early class suspension in 2020, we helped students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their parents to learn to stay focused in different learning environment with the attention-themed picture book School Days with Classes are Like Riding a 42M Bus powered by VR360° technology in 2022, and we have received over 3,200 views so far. Thanks to the sponsorship from Lee Hysan Foundation, Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Limited and the Kerry Group, the Centre’s “Parent School Partnership for Better Home Education” project, tailored for parents, will carry out phase 2 of its services in the academic years from 2022/2023 to 2023/2024. While emphasis is placed on the different development stages and needs for emotional and social development of students from primary 1 to 6, the project will be further extended to cover 6 more primary schools. The Centre hosted 2 seminars with Queen Mary Hospital in 2022 to share ways of identifying selective mutism and strategies for intervention treatment with approximately 1,000 professionals. During the year, the Centre continued with the implementation of the “Project Care for TWGHs Teachers” to organise various types of activities and workshops, catering for the well-being of our teachers and building up their positive thinking. 本院认同政府指出「青年兴则香港兴」,并一向 十分重视青年发展,为青年在学业、就业、置业 等方面提供全面的支援,为他们在成长成才的路 途上创造更多机会。东华三院上环荷李活道青年 宿舍发展项目,于2022 年踏入重要里程,继完 成旧校舍的拆卸后,地盘平整工程亦随即展开, 宿舍最快可望于2025 年竣工,为在职青年提供 低于市值租金的住宿单位,帮助他们实践储蓄计 划,达成个人目标。此外,本院于新蒲岗兴建的 Offering Professional Community Services for the Well-being of the Elderly, the Youth and Children TWGHs is on the same page with the Government that “Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive”, as it has always considered youth development its long-term focus. We have been providing comprehensive support for young people on many fronts, covering education, employment and housing, so as to open up a world of opportunities for them on their journey to grow and flourish. Our Youth Hostel Project at Hollywood Road in Sheung Wan reached a key milestone in 2022, with the site formation about to begin after the demolition of the old campus. The project, which is expected to be completed in 2025 at the earliest, provides residential flats at below-market rent, which in turn helps young workforce realise their saving plans and individual goals. 专业社福服务 导青护幼扶老