2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 44 设于东华三院黄大仙医院劳何淑媛纪念老 人日间医院的「智能机械人」为病人提供服 务,如播放教育影片、与病人互动及提供 导览服务。 The "Smart Robot" at TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital Lo Ho Shuk Woon Memorial Geriatric Day Hospital is in service, by broadcasting educational videos to patients, interacting with them, providing guiding services and more. 「智能仓库」内的机械人及自动化货架系统 The robots and auto-refill cabinets at "Smart Warehouse" 杨国璋楼Y5 病房翻新工程于2022 年10 月完成。 Renovation of Ward Y5 at Yeo Wing was completed in October 2022. 东华三院李兆忠纪念大楼L6 病房翻新工程于2022 年10 月完成。 Renovation of Ward L6 at TWGHs Li Shiu Chung Memorial Building was completed in October 2022. 杨国璋楼Y4 病房翻新工程于2022 年5 月完成。 Renovation of Ward Y4 at Yeo Wing was completed in May 2022. 杨国璋楼Y6 病房翻新工程于2022 年8 月完成。 Renovation of Ward Y6 at Yeo Wing was completed in August 2022. 「电子床头显示系统」及「电子维生指数系统」已于东华三院黄大仙医院分阶段推行。 "Smart Panel" and "E-vital" had been launched at TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital in phases. The renovation of the medical wards of Tung Wah Hospital were completed in phases from May to October 2022, including the 4th, 5th and 6th floors of Yeo Wing and Y4, Y5, Y6 and L6 on the 6th floor of Li Shiu Chung Memorial Building. The completion of the renovation works enhanced the overall environment and service quality of the wards, along with smoother patient flow and enhanced security. “Photo-based Navigation Platform” : The Hospital is set to launch the “Photo-based Navigation Platform” in 2023, so that users can identify the fastest route to the Hospital’s service units and obtain up-to-date information about hospital services. 东华医院内科病房的翻新工程于2022 年5 月至 10 月陆续完成,包括杨国璋楼四、五及六楼和 李兆忠纪念大楼六楼Y4, Y5, Y6 及L6 病房,提升 了整体环境及服务质素,令病人流程更畅顺及 安全。 「院内导航平台」:医院于2023 年推出「院内导 航平台」,让使用者轻易找到最快捷的路线前往 医院内各个目的地,以及获得院内服务的最新 资讯。 东华医院内科病房翻新工程 Renovation of Medical Wards of Tung Wah Hospital :