2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 45 The Hong Kong West Cluster of the Hospital Authority including TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital launched the Ortho-geriatric Collaboration for Elderly Hip Fracture Patients in Extended Care Setting Programme in October 2017. The Programme aimed at enhancing the rehabilitation of patients with geriatric hip fracture through additional physiotherapy services at weekends and on public holidays. The Programme was 医院管理局港岛西医院联网包括东华三院冯尧敬 医院老人科及骨科于2017 年10 月推展长者髋关 节骨折病人延续护理计划,随后拓展至其它骨折 病人,包括椎骨、腕关节及盆骨骨折病人。老人 东华三院冯尧敬医院 加强老年骨科协作计划 Enhancement of Ortho-geriatric Collaboration at TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital is dedicated to enhancing the end of life care to inpatients and participated proactively in End of Life Programme, with the aim to provide the best possible treatment to the elderly. Meanwhile, it has changed the management of elderly patients from curative to palliative approach. With the support of the Hospital Authority in 2020, the Hospital introduced the End of Life Clinical Plan for Inpatients (EOL-CPi) and Careful Hand Feeding (CHF) Programme for medical and geriatric patients. Up to September 2022, there had been 291 cases with EOL-CPi and 518 cases with CHF Programme activated. TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital also rendered support of end of life services for patients in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs), with the aim of providing outreaching palliative care and consultation services to the elderly with irreversible chronic diseases. The Community Geriatric Assessment Team (CGAT) of Hong Kong West Cluster of the Hospital Authority (of which TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital is a member) collaborated with the Palliative Medicine Unit of Grantham Hospital in providing the service. The medical and nursing staff will discuss the Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Do-Not-Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions with the patients and their family members. By September 2022, the Programme recruited 823 cases and signed up 801 ACP participants. The Programme was expanded to 47 RCHEs with 76% coverage in October 2022. TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital promoted the Programme of “Integrated Care and Discharge Support for Elderly Patients” by providing adequate beds to support the elderly patients referred under the Comprehensive Care Programme. From April to September 2022, a total of 106 patients were referred to TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital. 东华三院冯尧敬医院一直致力提升住院临终服 务,并且积极参与晚期医护服务,将末期病症长 者的服务重心由治疗模式转为纾缓照顾。医院在 2020 年获医院管理局支持,拟订住院病人临终临 床照顾计划及人手小心餵食计划。直至2022 年9 月,共有291 名病人参与住院病人临终临床照顾 计划,518 名病人参与人手小心餵食计划。 东华三院冯尧敬医院亦积极参与安老院舍晚期医 护服务,向患有末期病症的长者,提供到诊纾缓 照顾服务及日间诊症服务。服务由医院管理局港 岛西医院联网包括东华三院冯尧敬医院的老人评 估组与葛量洪医院纾缓医学科携手合作。医护人 员与病人及其家属商讨,在他们同意下制订适切 的缺省临终照顾计划及不作心肺复苏术指令。 直至2022 年9 月,有823 位长者参与此计划, 当中801 名病人同时参与缺省照顾计划。服务于 2022 年10 月拓展至47 家安老院,覆盖率76%。 东华三院冯尧敬医院积极推展「支援长者离院综 合服务」,安排足够的病床予「全面老人护理计 划」下转介的病人。由2022 年4 月至9 月,共有 106 个位病人获转介到东华三院冯尧敬医院。 东华三院冯尧敬医院临终照顾及 晚期医护服务 东华三院冯尧敬医院 「支援长者离院综合服务」 End of Life Services of TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital "Integrated Care and Discharge Support to Elderly Patients" of TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital 翻新工程前的5C病房 Ward 5C before renovation 翻新工程完成后的5C病房焕然一新 The new look of Ward 5C after renovation The 4-year ward renovation project of TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital commenced in 2019 is being completed in phases. Ward 5C of The Board of Management of The Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC) Palliative Care Centre was once converted into a “medical surveillance ward” for admitting stable COVID-19 patients during the 5th wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to intra-hospital collaboration, the renovation of Ward 5C was completed in 2022 with resumption of palliative care services. The renovated ward is cosy and comfortable with a new look. In addition to that, it also comes with a series of “Smart Hospital” elements, including “Smart Panel” and “E-vital”, to enhance service quality and operational efficiency. 为期4 年的东华三院黄大仙医院病房翻新工程于 2019 年开始,现正分阶段落成,当中华永会纾缓 医疗中心的5C病房于2019 冠状病毒病第五波期 间,曾转为「监察病区」,接收病情稳定的确诊 者。在各部门的协作下,5C病房翻新工程已于 2022 年顺利竣工,继续为社区病人提供纾缓治 疗服务。病房采用温和舒适的颜色,感觉焕然一 新,亦加入了一系列的「智能医院」元素,包括 「电子床头显示系统」及「电子维生指数系统」等, 藉此提升服务质素及运行成效。 东华三院黄大仙医院病房翻新工程 Ward Renovation Project of TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital