2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 47 To promote the staff’s health awareness and their physical wellbeing, TWGHs rolled out the 2-year pilot scheme on provision of free health-check services to selected groups of TWGHs staff, with the aim to provide an initial screening on the physical conditions of staff for early detection of abnormalities for further examination. The free health-check services were conducted under two categories, namely basic laboratory examinations, such as renal function test and diabetic screening; and gender-specific examinations such as gynaecological examination for female and fibroscan for male. Since the implementation of the Programme, free health-check services have been provided for approximately 130 staff at TWGHs Medical Centre (North Point) and TWGHs Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre. 为提升员工的健康意识和身体健康,东华三院推 行为期两年的员工免费验身服务先导计划,为特 定员工提供初步的身体检查服务、及早侦测健康 问题和身体的异常状况。计划包括两部分,基本 化验如肾功能及空腹血糖( 糖尿) 检查,以及针 对不同性别的检查,如女士妇科检查及男士肝纤 扫描检查。计划推行至今,已经在属下的医疗中 心( 北角) 及综合诊断及医疗中心为大概130 位 员工提供免费体验服务。 为东华三院员工提供验身服务先导计划 Pilot Scheme on Provision of Free Health-check Services for TWGHs Staff As a participant of the “Safe Driving and Health Campaign” held by the Transport Department, TWGHs provided health-check services for over 470 commercial vehicle drivers at TWGHs Medical Centre (North Point) and TWGHs Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre, with the aim to increase health awareness among the transport sector. TWGHs has been participating in the “Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine Pilot Programme” of the Hospital Authority since 2014, with the aim to offer Chinese Medicine services to patients in wards. The targeted service users include stroke patients, patients with musculoskeletal pain (acute low back pain), and patients with shoulder and neck pain. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the inpatient service of the Programme was suspended in February 2022, and gradually resumed in June 2022 by continuing to provide suitable Chinese Medicine services for inpatients. 东华三院参与运输署的《至fit 安全驾驶大行动》, 于属下的医疗中心( 北角) 及综合诊断及医疗中 心,为超过470 名商用车司机进行身体检查,藉 此提升运输业界对健康的关注。 东华三院由2014 年起参与医院管理局的「中西医 协作先导计划」,旨在为住院病人提供中医服务。 服务对象分别为中风病人、患有肌肉及骨骼痛症 ( 下腰背痛) 病人及肩颈痛症病人。因应2019 冠 状病毒病疫情,此计划曾于2022 年2 月中旬起 暂停,直至2022 年6 月起逐步恢复服务,为合 适的住院病人提供适切的中西医协作服务。 参与运输署举办的 《至fit 安全驾驶大行动》 住院病人中西医协作计划 Participation in “Safe Driving and Health Campaign” of Transport Department Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Programme for Inpatients Dr. LEE Ha Yun, Libby, JP, Under Secretary for Health, together with 3 Members of Legislative Council, the Hon. LEUNG Hei, Edward, the Hon. QUAT Pei Fan, Elizabeth, BBS, JP, and the Hon. KWOK Ling Lai, Lillian, along with Ms. LEE Ching Har, Annie, Eastern District Council Member, visited Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Eastern District) to know more about the Chinese medicine services of the Centre. The visitors and the young Chinese medicine practitioners of the Centre also discussed the future development of Chinese medicine. 于2022 年11 月29 日,医务衞生局副局长 李夏茵医生太平绅士联同立法会三位议员梁熙 议员、葛佩帆议员BBS太平绅士、郭玲丽议员 及东区区议会议员李清霞女士参观东华三院 – 香港大学中医诊所暨教研中心( 东区),以了解 中心提供的中医服务,并与年轻中医师交流、 探讨中医未来的发展及定位。 立法会议员及医务衞生局副局长参观 东华三院 - 香港大学中医诊所暨教研 中心( 东区) Legislative Council Members and Under Secretary for Health Visited Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Eastern District) 关爱社区 创建健康社群 Building a Caring and Healthy Community 中心主任( 左一) 介绍中心的中医服务。 Centre Manager (left 1) introduced the services of the Centre. 参观嘉宾与年轻中医师交流、探讨中医的未来发展及定位。 The visitors and young Chinese medicine practitioners of the Centre discussed the future development of Chinese medicine.