2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 51 In the school year 2022/2023, TWGHs operated 18 kindergartens with a total pupil population of 3,927. TWGHs kindergartens offer bisessional and whole-day schooling at nursery, lower kindergarten and upper kindergarten levels. All TWGHs kindergartens have joined the “Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme” since the school year 2017/2018. Information about the kindergartens is listed in Appendix E4. Based on the “Constructivist Learning Theory”, the TWGHs kindergarten curriculum adopts “Picture Book Teaching”, “Thematic Teaching” and “Activity Approach” to cultivate an inspiring environment and benefit the development of students’ social abilities, independent thinking, language proficiency, numeracy abilities, creativity and other domains of intelligence development. In the school year 2022/2023, TWGHs operated 3 special schools for 322 students aged from 6 to 18 with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Information about the special schools is listed in Appendix E5. The 3 Special Schools offer both primary and secondary education. The subjects offered include languages, mathematics, general studies, visual arts, physical education, music, information and communication technology, technology and living, applied design and technology, and liberal studies. In addition to general subjects, all schools provide individual therapy and group-based training services, such as speech therapy, resource teaching, sensory integrated therapy, English enrichment programmes, life skills training, social adaption and vocational skills training, etc. TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School and TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School also have boarding sections, which provide accommodation and training programmes on life skills and personal development for students in need. The Student Guidance and Counselling Section provides a wide range of direct guidance, consultation and support services to cater for students’ diverse needs in education. Our educational and clinical psychologists offer assessment, intervention and referral services according to students’ specific needs. Meanwhile, assistance is offered to schools for the development of school-based support policies, programmes and relevant measures. Our specialists also organise training activities for students as well as professional development programmes for teachers. There are 2 educational psychology service centres under the Section. A multidisciplinary team of educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, registered social workers, counsellors, occupational therapists, speech therapists, play therapists, and arts therapists provide assessment and training services for schools and individual students, and organise diversified educational seminars and training. 在2022/2023 学年,本院办有18 所幼稚园,共 有3,927 名学生。幼稚园设有半日班及全日班, 并按年级分为幼儿班、低班及高班。本院各幼稚 园已由2017/2018 学年起参加「免费优质幼稚园 教育计划」。各幼稚园资料见附录E4。本院幼稚 园以「建构式学习」作为设计课程的理论基础, 采用「绘本教学」、「主题教学」及「活动教学」 等方法,让儿童在富启发性的环境下学习,培育 他们的社交能力、独立思考能力、语文能力、数 字能力、创作力及其它范畴的智力发展。 在2022/2023 学年,本院办有3 所特殊学校,为 322 名介乎6 至18 岁的轻度及中度智障学童提供 教育服务。各特殊学校资料见附录E5。三校均设 有小学部及中学部,开设科目包括语文、数学、 常识、视觉艺术、体育、音乐、信息与通讯科技、 科技与生活、应用设计与科技、通识教育等。除 设有一般学科外,三校亦提供不同的个别治疗及 小组训练服务,包括言语治疗、资源教学、感觉 统合治疗、英语活动小组、生活技能训练、社会 适应、职业技能训练等。东华三院徐展堂学校及 东华三院群芳启智学校皆设有宿舍,为有需要的 学生提供住宿服务,以及有关生活技能和个人发 展的培训。 本院设有学生辅导部,由教育及临床心理学家为 学校提供直接辅导、咨询和支援服务,以照顾学 生的不同教育需要。辅导服务是因应学生的特殊 需要提供评估、介入及转介服务。此外,教育科 亦为学校提供支援服务,包括协助学校制订校本 支援政策、计划及相关措施,以及举办以学生或 老师为对象的培训活动。 辅导部设有两个教育心理服务中心,由教育心理 学家、临床心理学家、注册社工、辅导员、职业 治疗师、言语治疗师、游戏治疗师及艺术治疗师 组成的跨专业团队,为学校及个别学生提供评估 及训练,同时举办多元化的教育讲座及培训。 幼稚园教育 特殊教育 学生辅导服务 Kindergarten Education Special Education Student Guidance and Counselling Services 小学教育 在2022/2023学年,本院办有15所小学,共有 8,284名学生。各小学的入读人数见附录E3。本院 小学重视因材施教,课程设计针对学生的不同学 习能力,协助学生达至理想的学业水平。此外, 本院重视发展学生的多元智能,启发学生的潜能 及强项,鼓励学生追求卓越成就。 Primary Education In the school year 2022/2023, TWGHs operated 15 primary schools with a total student population of 8,284. The number of primary school students is listed in Appendix E3. The TWGHs primary school curriculum caters for learners’ diverse capabilities, with an aim to meet the individual needs of students and help them attain the expected level of academic competence. Students are also encouraged to identify their potential and strengths from the multiple intelligence perspective and to strive for excellence.