2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 53 In November 2021, a new school premises on Ground Floor, Wong Wui House, Queens Hill Estate, North District, New Territories was granted by the Education Bureau to TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten for relocation. The new school premises has about 8,600 square feet of indoor area, and about 2,034 square feet of outdoor area. In order to meet the demand for school places in the district, TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten (Queens Hill) commenced operation on 1 September 2022, and offers 10 classes from K1 to K3 to provide early childhood education service to 300 students. To promote the physical and health development of children, TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten (Queens Hill), equipped with a large outdoor area on the new campus, has committed to developing students' interest in sports and outdoor activities, and strengthening their physical and mental development. In addition, the Kindergarten has introduced the “Amazing Curriculum” to let children learn through games and foster their creativity. 2021 年11 月,教育局分配于新界北区粉岭皇后 山邨皇滙楼地下之新校舍予本院方树福堂幼稚园 搬迁之用。新校舍内部面积约有8,600 平方尺, 另设约2,034 平方尺的户外花园。为应付区内学 额需求,东华三院方树福堂幼稚园( 皇后山) 已 于2022 年9 月1 日正式运行,顺利开学,提供 幼儿班至高班全日及上、下午班,一共10 班, 为300 名学生提供幼儿教育服务。 为提升幼儿体能及健康发展,东华三院方树福堂 幼稚园(皇后山)配合新校舍的户外花园,培养 学生对运动的兴趣,加强幼儿身心发展。此外, 幼稚园引入「奇趣课程」,让幼儿从游戏中学习, 发挥创意。 东华三院方树福堂幼稚园( 皇后山) 新校舍 New School Premises of TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten (Queens Hill) The construction of the new campus of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School was completed and handed over to the Group in late June 2022. The move-in was conducted immediately after the completion of a large part of top-up and enhancement works at school, including a school hall, staff rooms, classrooms and multiple function rooms, in December 2022. The new campus has been in use since the 2nd semester of 2022/2023. The Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School was held on 24 March 2023, with Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, and Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken, BBS, Donor, Chairman 2019/2020 cum School Supervisor, as officiating guests. As the Group’s 14th primary school, it strives to equip students to become future leaders who respect Chinese tradition with a global perspective to cope with the everchanging future proactively. 东华三院蔡荣星小学位于沙田水泉澳的新校舍 已于2022 年6 月底竣工,校舍于同月移交本 院。新校舍的增补工程现正进行,2022 年12 月完成大部分的增补及优化工程,包括礼堂、 教员室、班房及活动室。学校亦随即搬迁,并 于2022/2023学年的下学期正式在新校舍上课。 东华三院蔡荣星小学的新校舍于2023 年3 月 24 日举行开幕典礼,邀得教育局局长蔡若莲博 士太平绅士及捐建人兼校监暨己亥年主席蔡荣 星博士BBS莅临主礼。该校是本院属下第十四 所小学,锐意培养学生植根国家,放眼世界, 成为明日领袖,积极面对瞬息万变的未来世界。 东华三院蔡荣星小学新校舍 启用及开幕典礼 Commencement and Opening Ceremony of the New School Premises of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School 校舍及服务优化 Enhancement of School Premises and School Services 主礼嘉宾主持开幕仪式。 The guests officiated at the Opening Ceremony. 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士( 左一)、马清扬主席( 中) 及捐建人兼校监暨己亥年主席蔡荣星博士BBS ( 右一) 合照 Group photo of Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (left 1), Secretary for Education, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman (centre) and Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken, BBS (right 1), Donor, Chairman 2019/2020 cum School Supervisor.