2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 54 TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School commenced operation in September 2021. In the school year 2021/2022, there were 13 classes in total. In the school year 2022/2023, the school operated 26 classes in total, with 5 classes of primary 1. As the Group’s 15th primary school, the School has a mission of “Rooted in Chinese Culture, Grooming Talent for the World”. Equipped with 30 classrooms, over 10 dedicated learning spaces and fitness and outdoor facilities, the School offers a variety of experiences for students to learn in an inspiring, diverse, positive and holistic ambience. To acknowledge the generous support from donors, the Naming Ceremony of school facilities was held at the School on 23 March 2023, with Mr. WOO Ying Ming, SBS, CSDSM, Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption, officiating. 东华三院曾宪备小学已于2021 年9 月开 校,2021/2022 学年全校各级共开办13 班。 2022/2023 学年全校共开办26 班,其中有5 班 小一。该校是本院属下第十五所小学,以「立 足中华传统文化,面向世界培育优才」为使命, 设有30 间课室、10 多个专题学习空间及体适 能和户外设施,营造多元启智、促进正向心理 及全人发展的氛围,为学生提供丰富的学习经 历。该校的校舍设施命名典礼于2023 年3 月 23 日举行,并邀请廉政专员胡英明先生SBS, CSDSM担任主礼嘉宾,以答谢各界的慷慨 捐款。 东华三院曾宪备小学发展近况 及校内设施命名典礼 Development Updates on TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School and Naming Ceremony of School Facilities 廉政专员胡英明先生SBS, CSDSM ( 左十二)、马清扬 主席( 左十一)、捐建人曾宪备慈善基金家族成员代 表曾杨淑珍总理( 右十一)、前任及现任顾问局成员、 董事局成员主持命名及启动仪式。 Mr. WOO Ying Ming, SBS, CSDSM (left 12), Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 11), the Chairman, and Mrs. Selena YOUNG TSENG, the donor representative of Tseng Hin Pei Charity Fund (right 11) officiated the Naming and Launching Ceremony with the Current and Former Advisory Members and Board Members. TWGHs affiliated schools have been striving hard to enhance national security education and the rule of law education, especially under the implementation of the National Security Law and in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. To further enhance students’ sense of belonging, flag-raising ceremonies and group singing of the national anthem took place on the National Day, the Constitution Day and the National Security Education Day. In addition, speech under the flag, booth games, exhibitions, movie appreciation and off-campus quizzes were organised by our schools to help students develop a sense of nationhood and national identity. 本院属校一直致力加强国家安全教育及法治教育 的元素,特别是因应《香港国安法》的实施及庆 祝香港特区成立25 周年。在国庆日、国家宪法 日及全民国家安全教育日,学校进行升旗仪式和 奏唱国歌,提升学生的国民身份认同。此外,属 校亦举行国旗下讲话、摊位游戏、展览和电影欣 赏会,以及参与校外比赛等全方位学习活动,有 效推动学生接触国民教育并增加相关知识,达到 提升学生国家观念、培养国民身份认同的目标。 院属学校推行国家安全教育 Implementing National Security Education in TWGHs Schools 国民教育及国安教育 National Education and National Security Education 学生透过参与校外展览,领略中国文 化的博大精深,从而加深对国家的归 属感。 Through visiting exhibitions, students learned about the profound history of our motherland and hence deepened their sense of belonging. 幼稚园学生学习辨识中国国旗、香 港区旗及区徽。 Kindergarten students learned to recognise the National Flag of China, the Regional Flag of Hong Kong and the Regional Emblem. TWGHs and Bauhinia Magazine jointly launched the Exhibition. The Exhibition was held in 36 TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools and special schools to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong and to increase students’ understanding of development achievements since the handover of Hong Kong. Mr. LEUNG Pak Wai, Ashley, the then Acting Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Support), Education Bureau, was invited to officiate at the Launch Ceremony. 本院与紫荆杂志社共同举办该展览。展览于 本院属下36 所中学、小学及特殊学校举行, 以庆祝香港回归祖国25 周年,并促进属校 学生了解香港回归以来的发展成就。承蒙时 任教育局署理首席助理秘书长( 课程支援) 梁柏伟先生拨冗出席及担任启动礼的主礼嘉宾。 「璀璨香江」庆祝香港回归25周年校园 图片展启动礼 Launch Ceremony of the “Bright Hong Kong” Campus Photo Exhibition Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong