2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 58 The TWGHs Junior Racer Championships was held on 28 August 2022. The Competition was co-organised with Hong Kong Drone Sports Association (HKDSA) and Cyberport, with the aim of nurturing students’ interest in trendy e-sports and inspiring their thinking and problem-solving skills. TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School, TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School and TWGHs Hok Shan School won the Team and the individual Champion, the 1st Runner-up, and the 2nd Runner-up respectively. 本院于2022 年8 月28 日举行东华三院少年竞 速无人机比赛。是项比赛由香港无人机运动总 会及数码港有限公司协办,旨在透过培养学生 对新兴运动的兴趣,同时让学生了解无人机所 包含的科学原理和创科技术,启发学生的思维 及解难能力。东华三院曾宪备小学、东华三院 李东海小学及东华三院鹤山学校分别夺得个人 赛和团体赛冠军、亚军及季军。 东华三院少年竞速无人机比赛 TWGHs Junior Racer Championships 东华三院冯黄凤亭中学的选手们以亮眼的成绩获得团体赛冠军, 由马清扬主席( 右九) 颁奖,以及韦浩文副主席( 右十) 陪同。 Talents from TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College won the 1st place of the group competition. The award was presented by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 9), the Chairman, with the accompany of Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman (right 10), Vice-Chairman. 东华三院中学联校无人机 竞速比赛 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Drone Competition In collaboration with Hong Kong Drone Sports Association (HKDSA), TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Drone Competition was held on 4 March 2023, with the aim of nurturing students’ interest in and developing their knowledge about aviation and technology via the access and control of drones. Through theoretical and practical flight learning, students became inspired as they got to know the relationship between the principles of flying and STEM. The activity also helped cultivate students’ thinking, computing and problem solving skills. After a few rounds of exciting matches, the results of the individual competition were confirmed. Student LAM Pui Fung from TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College won the 1st place, student LAM Ming Him from TWGHs Wong Fung Ting College won the 2nd place, student TSOI Man Chun, Chris from TWGHs Lui Yun Choy won the 3rd place, and student CHEUK Chin Lap from TWGHs Chen Zao Men College won the 4th place. As for the group competition, TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College, TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College, TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College and TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College won the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place respectively. Drone racing teams from TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long), TWGHs Leo Tung-hai LEE Primary School, TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School, TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College, TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College and TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College were invited by the Eastern District School Liaison Committee to participate in a series of drone racing friendly matches against the schools in Eastern District at Kiangsu-Chekiang College on 11 March 2023. There were also a performance by the drone racing national team and a demonstration of drone football match. 本院教育科于2023年3月4日举办东华三院中 学联校无人机竞速比赛,邀得香港无人机运动 总会协办。活动目的是让学生接触无人机,开 拓对航空及科技的知识,并在理论和实践飞行 的过程中,启发学生理解飞行原理与STEM之 间的关系,进而培养学生思维、运算及解决问 题的能力。比赛过程精彩,最终由东华三院吕 润财纪念中学的林培鎽同学、东华三院冯黄凤 亭中学的林铭谦同学、东华三院吕润财纪念中 学的蔡文晋同学、东华三院陈兆民中学的卓展 立同学分别获得个人赛的冠、亚、季、殿军。 至于团体赛方面,东华三院冯黄凤亭中学、东 华三院吕润财纪念中学、东华三院黄凤翎中学、 东华三院张明添中学分别获得冠、亚、季及 殿军。 东华三院姚达之纪念小学( 元朗)、东华三院 李东海小学、东华三院曾宪备小学、东华三院 邱子田纪念中学、东华三院黄凤翎中学及东华 三院冯黄凤亭中学的无人机「飞手」接受东区 学校联系委员会的邀请,于2023 年3 月11 日 于北角宝马山苏浙公学与「东区无人机推广计 划」的参与学校进行多场无人机竞速友谊赛, 当日亦有无人机国家队的表演及无人机足球赛 的示范赛。 董事局成员与全体参赛者合照 Group photo of the Board Members and all participants 马清扬主席颁发个人赛冠军予 东华三院曾宪备小学的吕柏霖同学。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, presented the prize to Individual Champion LUI Pak Lam from TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School.