2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 66 The TWGHs Education Division has organised training programmes for deputy principals and school middle management since 2016. The training programme was officially renamed as “School Administration Foundation Course for Deputy Headteachers and Middle Managers of TWGHs Primary Schools” in 2020/2021. The course aims at enhancing teachers’ efficacy of mastering administrative duties and leading different functional groups in schools in order to enhance the schools’ performance and build the middle management for the schools’ sustainable development. The Education Division has organised a series of training workshops covering human resources management, finance and procurement management, administrative management, school management, curriculum development and assessment, quality assurance, crisis management and communication skills, etc. Participating teachers found that these activities further improved their professional competencies and facilitated the future development of the schools. 东华三院教育科由2016 学年起,为属下小学 教师举办小学/中层领导人员的培训课程。由 2020/2021 学年开始,课程正式名为「东华三院 小学副校长/中层领导人员行政基础认知课程」。 培训课程目的在于提升中层教师的个人职能,协 助履行行政职务及领导各工作小组,为学校建立 中层领导的团队,有助学校提升整体效能。教育 科举办一系列培训课程活动,范畴包括人力资源 管理、财务及采购管理、行政管理、学校管理、 课程发展及评估、质素保证、危机处理及沟通技 巧等。教师均认为课程让他们更了解学校的行政 及管理,有助推动学校的长远发展。 属下小学教师专业培训课程 Professional Development Programme for TWGHs Primary School Teachers 各院属小学的老师通过小组讨论及角色扮演,模拟学校 出现危机时的应对方案。 Teachers in TWGHs primary schools learned how to make prompt responses to school crises through role-playing and discussion. 属下15 间小学,超过80 名教职员出席是次的分享会。 More than 80 teaching staff members from 15 TWGHs primary schools attended the sharing session. In the 2021/2022 school year, the Group implemented the School Development Consultation Scheme, in which one primary school and two secondary schools were selected as pioneers for each school term. Retired principals are invited to join the consultation panel to analyse and review the schools’ conditions from a school-based perspective, and provide professional advice and support to the principals for enhancing leadership, communication, and teamwork. The consultation panel also assists the principals in formulating appropriate and effective strategies for long-term development of the schools in line with the Group’s directions. The Scheme continued in the school year 2022/2023. 2021/2022 学年本院推行学校发展顾问先导计 划,在上、下学期分别于两所中学及一所小学试 行。计划邀请退休校长组成顾问团队,从校本角 度分析及检视学校现况,并提供专业建议,以支 援校长加强领导、促进校内沟通及提升团队协 作,继而制定合适策略,以配合院本方针,有效 带领学校长远发展。计划于2022/2023 学年继续 进行。 推行学校发展顾问计划 Implementation of School Development Consultation Scheme 管理检讨及改善教师支援和 学校管治 Management Review and Improvements in Teacher Support and School Governance To enable teachers in TWGHs primary schools to gain a better understanding of teamwork at school and their career planning, the Division held a promotion talk for middle-level teachers in October 2022 at TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School. The Division’s representative was invited to share his treasurable views on the factors to success and motivate teachers looking for promotion to equip themselves, prepare for interviews and plan for their career. 为协助属下小学的老师加深了解学校团队工作的 角色及其生涯规划,教育科于2022 年10 月举办 了「东华三院小学主任晋升分享会」。是次分享 会在东华三院蔡荣星小学举行,并邀得本科代表 分享教师职业生涯的成功要素,让有意晋升的教 师好好装备自己,预早准备升职面试及计划未来 的发展路向。 东华三院小学主任晋升分享会 Promotion Talk for Middle Management in TWGHs Primary Schools