2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 67 The School Staff Relations Office continued to foster a positive workplace culture and build a harmonious school environment with mutual respect by providing staff consultation services. The services were intended for assisting staff in tackling their interpersonal issues encountered in the workplace as well as providing immediate emotional support. To enhance the staff awareness and understanding of the consultation services, the Office visited all schools under the Division and introduced the services at staff meetings as well as the New Staff Induction Programme organised by the Education Division. Meanwhile, the Office proactively promoted the use of mediation and positive workplace culture by organising a mediation seminar and its workshop, a conflict management workshop as well as a positive performance management workshop from November 2022 to March 2023, for the purpose of encouraging the staff to apply various skills to resolve disputes at schools. 教职员联系办公室继续推动正向工作间,建立和 谐及互相尊重的校园,提供学校员工咨询服务, 以同行者的角色协助教职员处理工作场所的人事 关系问题,并提供实时情绪支援。办公室已于各 属校的员工会议及教育科举办之学校迎新活动介 绍服务,以加强教职员对服务的认识及了解。同 时,办公室积极推动调解及正向职场文化,分别 于2022 年11 月至2023 年3 月期间,举办了调 解讲座及工作坊、处理冲突工作坊及正向绩效 工作坊,鼓励教职员在学校运用不同技巧处理 分歧。 教职员联系办公室推动 正向学校工作文化 Promoting Positive Workplace Culture in Schools by the School Staff Relations Office TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre launched the “Project CARE” Teachers’ Well-being Programme in 2019. By adopting "5 Ways to Wellbeing", which was an evidencebased methodology from the United Kingdom, the Centre organised different types of stress-reducing activities to enhance the well-being of teaching staff. The Programme also provided individual counselling services in order to strengthen teaching staff’s abilities in stress and emotion management. 129 school-based and joint school workshops were organised, with active participation from over 4,247 teaching staff members. In early 2022, the Project CARE published a wellbeing webpage and schedule book with the theme of mindfulness to encourage teaching staff to incorporate mindfulness into daily life. Project CARE — Wellness Programmes for Teaching Staff Provision of Various Scholarships for TWGHs Students Scholarships Thanks to the generous donations from benefactors, 19 scholarships for further studies in universities were provided in the academic year 2022/2023 to subsidise tuition fee and living expenditure for Secondary 6 graduates admitted to local, Mainland China or overseas universities. Information about various scholarships is listed in Appendix E6. The “TWGHs Momoko Sung Scholarship” was launched during the year to provide financial support to TWGHs Secondary 6 graduates admitted to the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery in a higher education institution of Hong Kong with excellent academic performance. Apart from scholarships for university studies, the “TWGHs Secondary School Entrance Scholarship for Tung Wah Primary School Graduates” encouraged TWGHs primary school graduates with outstanding academic performance to enrol in TWGHs secondary schools and strive for ongoing academic excellence. 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心自2019 年起 推行「Project Care」教师身心灵健康服务计划, 采用英国具实证成效的5 个促进身心健康的方 法,透过举办不同类型的活动,保持教职员的身 心健康。计划同时设有个人辅导服务,以加强教 职员管理压力及情绪的能力。计划已举办129 场 校本活动及联校活动,为4,247 位教职员提供身 心灵健康服务。计划于2022 年初推出以静观为 题材的网页及行事历,鼓励教职员把静观融入日 常生活。 「Project Care」教师身心灵健康服务计划 设立多项奖学金予属校学生 奖学金 本院承蒙善长的慷慨捐赠,设立多项奖学金予属 校学生,2022/2023 学年共设有19 项大学升学奖 学金,为升读本地、内地或海外大学的中六毕业 生提供学费及生活费支援。各奖学金资料见附录 E6。本院于本年度更加设「东华三院宋陈碧桃奖 学金」,旨在为本院升读本地资助大学的内外全 科医学士学位且在学业上有良好表现的学生于修 读学位期间提供资助。 除了升读大学的奖学金,本院亦设有「东华三院 小学升中奖学金」,旨在奖励及表扬成绩优秀并 入读东华三院属下中学的初中学生,激励学生在 学业上精益求精,奋发向上。 2022 年11 月3 日举办「调解讲座──如何于学校运用 调解处理冲突」。 A mediation seminar entitled "How to apply mediation skills in resolving school conflicts" was held on 3 November 2022. 教师们参与流体画工作坊。 Teachers participated in pour painting workshop.