2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 73 2022 年初,社区及安老院均出现大规模感染个 案,政府迅速于各区设立暂托中心,接收轻症确 诊长者或安老院院友。为对抗疫情,本院安老服 务部获社会福利署( 社署) 委托,于2022 年3 月 21 日至5 月31 日协助营运启德暂托中心,提供 24 小时个人起居照顾、护理、护送、药物管理、 情绪支援等服务,期间共接收了149 位确诊的轻 症长者。其后,社署将启德中心改为临时检疫中 心,接收被界定为密切接触者而须检疫的安老院 院友。本院再度营运启德检疫中心,于2022 年 9 月2 日正式接收院友,提供130 个床位,至10 月31 日结束,共为397 名检疫长者提供照顾服 务。 提供启德暂托中心及启德检疫中心 24小时照顾服务 There were large-scale infections in the community and elderly homes in early 2022. To combat the pandemic, the Government was quick to set up holding centres in various districts to receive elderly confirmed cases from hospitals or homes for the aged with mild symptoms. Entrusted by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), TWGHs Elderly Services Section provided a range of care services, namely 24-hour personal care, nursing care, escort services, medication management, emotional support services, at Kai Tak Holding Centre from 21 March to 31 May 2022, serving 149 elderly confirmed cases in total. Subsequently, SWD converted the site into a temporary Quarantine Centre to receive people from residential care homes for the elderly who had to be quarantined as they had been classified as close contacts with confirmed cases. Once again the Group was asked to offer care services at Kai Tak Quarantine Centre. From 2 September to 31 October 2022, the Centre put a total of 130 beds in service. The Group had provided care services for a total of 397 elderly people in quarantine. Providing 24-hour Care Services at Kai Tak Holding Centre and Kai Tak Quarantine Centre 启德暂托中心及启德检疫中心配备照顾体弱院友所需医疗及复康设备。 Kai Tak Holding Centre and Kai Tak Quarantine Centre were equipped with medical and rehabilitation equipment for better care of the frail elderly. 劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士( 左六) 及社会福利 署署长李佩诗太平绅士( 左七) 在马清扬主席( 左五) 及 曾庆业副主席( 左四) 陪同下到场视察,为工作人员打气。 Accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 5), the Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left 4), ViceChairman, the Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP (left 6), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (left 7), Director of Social Welfare, visited Kai Tak Quarantine Centre to root for the staff. 推行疫情应对及复元计划 Launching Recovery Projects and Support Schemes 东华三院社会服务科专职医疗团队跨专业合作, 设计「长新冠复元五衡法」计划,制作一系列影 片,帮助康复者应对长新冠症状。「五衡法」包括: 齐运动、常思考、勤学习、有规律、学放松五大 元素,由不同专家设计运动、教导声线训练、示 范静观,并针对脑雾症状建议认知介入方法及日 常生活小贴士,协助康复者平衡身心。 社会服务科同样关注社区长者的健康,推出 「『疫』后晴天复元计划」,本院获赞助制作1,300 份「『疫』后晴天长者保健训练套装」,派发予社 区长者,鼓励他们在家中进行运动、脑部训练、 艺术及纾压活动。同时,本院越龄「咖啡 · 走动」 团队提供「啡走疫情」活动予院友,并为39 个安 老服务单位的长者提供外展香薰治疗、环保特色 小手作、禅绕画、和谐粉彩等特色主题活动。 此外,承蒙香港赛马会新冠肺炎紧急援助基金 ( 第二期) 捐助,社会服务科推出「窝心院舍 · 员 工支援计划」,为辖下35 个安老服务及康复服务 院舍单位超过600 位员工提供减压工作坊,减轻 他们的工作压力,并为超过800 位院舍员工进行 网上精神健康评估,并给予改善建议。 The allied health professions of TWGHs Community Services Division worked together across disciplines in launching the “Five Elements Method for Long COVID Recovery” project, where a series of videos was made to relieve Long COVID symptoms for the public. The 5 elements, namely “Do regular exercise”, “Engage cognitive training”, “Keep learning”, “Maintain balanced life” and “Try to relax”, were merged with aerobic exercises, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, vocal and oral motor training designed and taught by various professions. Cognitive training and daily living tips were also provided to help recovering persons maintain a balance of body and mind. To promote the health of the elderly people living in the community, TWGHs Community Services Division launched the “Shine on Me” – COVID-19 Recovery Project. The Group offered a total of 1,300 sets of “Shine On Me Elderly Health-boosting Training Kit” with sponsorship and distributed among the elderly living in the community as an encouragement for them to keep doing physical exercises, cognitive training, art activities and stress relaxation during their stay at home. In addition, the “Coffee Cast Away COVID” programme, including outreaching aromatherapy, environmental-friendly handcrafts, Zentangle and harmony pastels, was provided by “Coffee Express" team from TWGHs Engage for the service users of 39 elderly services units. Moreover, thanks to the grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust COVID-19 Emergency Fund (Phase 2), TWGHs Community Service Division launched the “Heart Warming Support Project to Staff Working at Residential Care Homes”, which promoted mental health relaxation for staff working at Residential Care Homes. The Project delivered “Swifty Outreach Mental Relaxation” workshops and reached out to over 600 colleagues from 35 units of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly and Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities. Over 800 colleagues also performed the online mental health test to have their mental health status examined, with follow-up advice thereafter.