2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 76 In order to empower young olds by encouraging continuous learning and unleashing their potential, the Kick-off Ceremony of “Silver Bell — Ring our Lives”, a young old service Project, was held on 26 November 2022 with Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP, Director of Social Welfare, invited as the officiating guest. The Event was well received by public participants to experience the extraordinary services for Young Olds. The young old participants of the Project were called "Ringers", symbolising the ringing of bells for lost people around them. Hopefully these bell-ringing acts could serve as a wake-up call so that people would be infused with a positive attitude towards life and thus would bring positive influence to the entire community. By teaching Ringers various trendy activities, life planning, image design and KOL practical skills, the Project aimed at helping young olds become "Ringers KOL", who would then pass on life wisdom and shared trendy information with people, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of promoting the positive message — "Retiring yet rewiring; Rewiring yet enjoying; Enjoying yet contributing; Ringing our Lives Together! " 本院推出以年轻长者为对象的「银铃 · 响动人 生」计划,帮助年轻长者充实自己,继续发挥 所长。该计划于2022 年11 月26 日举行启动 礼,邀得社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士莅临 主礼,为缔造年轻长者服务平台揭开序幕。当 日吸引不少公众人士参与,亲身体验非一般的 年轻长者服务。参加计划的年轻长者获称为 「Ringers」,寓意他们以积极生活态度敲响身边 沉睡的人,为社会带来正面回响。计划重点教 授各类潮流活动、生活规划、形象设计及KOL 实用技巧,致力塑造「银铃网红」,传承人生智 慧、分享潮流资讯及所学所得,宣扬「退而不 休,休而行乐,乐而回馈,响动人生」的讯息。 「银铃 · 响动人生」启动礼 The Kick-off Ceremony of “Silver Bell — Ring Our Lives” 马清扬主席于「银铃 · 响动人生」启动礼上致欢迎辞。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, delivered his welcome speech at the Kick-off Ceremony of "Silver Bell — Ring Our Lives". 无伴奏乐队UPBEAT与年青人合唱,尽显跨代共融。 UPBEAT, a cappella band, sang together with the youth in crossgenerational integration. 主礼嘉宾社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士( 右七) 连同其它嘉宾 及董事局成员为「银铃 · 响动人生」揭开序幕。 Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (right 7), Director of Social Welfare, the officiating guest, kicked off the "Silver Bell — Ring Our Lives" together with other guests and Board of Directors. 多元化的特色摊位呈现了各中心为年轻长者打造的创意服务。 The creative services for Young Olds provided by different centres were well presented at various booths. Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, TWGHs Chan Un Chun SMART Centre (CUCSC) collaborated with 6 organisations in running a pilot 3-year programme "Jockey Club 'Shining Journey 50+' Women Wellness Programme" from July 2022 to June 2025. Run by a cross-discipline team, CUCSC serves women aged between 50 and 64 in Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai districts, and provides diversified activities ranging from health screening, education talks and experiential workshops to intervention programmes and volunteer training. By encouraging women to lead a healthy lifestyle, CUCSC aims to lift women’s capability to prevent, early detect and control chronic diseases, as well as to cope with functional decline. 承蒙香港赛马会慈善信托基金资助,东华三院 陈婉珍跃动适体及健康中心联同另外6 间机构, 合办「赛马会『50 展新晴』妇女健康计划」,为 期3 年,由2022 年7 月至2025 年6 月。中心负 责服务屯门及天水围区50 至64 岁妇女,由跨专 业团队主理,通过健康筛查、公众教育、体验工 作坊、介入课程、志愿者培训等多元化活动,鼓励 妇女建立健康的生活模式,以预防、及早发现和 控制慢性疾病,推迟、延缓、甚至逆转功能衰退。 赛马会「50展新晴」妇女健康计划 Jockey Club "Shining Journey 50+" Women Wellness Programme 回应高龄化人口的各种需要 Addressing Different Needs of the Ageing Population