2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 78 Thanks to the initiation and funding of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, TWGHs launched End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (Phase 3) from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2025. Staff training programmes on end-of-life care are provided by one of the Project’s partners, the Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, to enhance the capacity of New Territory East’s Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) in providing quality palliative and end-of-life care in long term care settings. The Project also aims to provide quality end-oflife services for terminal residents in RCHEs. Life and death educational activities have been arranged for general residents and their family members. Meanwhile, to facilitate the development of end-of-life care services, participating RCHEs underwent renovations to set up endof-life room and end-of-life resources corner. The former was where the patients could spend their last few days of life with their family members; the latter was for daily promotion of end-of-life care. 承蒙香港赛马会慈善信托基金策划及捐助, 东华三院推出第三期「安宁在院舍」计划,为期 由2022 年7 月1 日至2025 年12 月31 日。计划 的协作机构香港老年学会为院舍职员提供安宁照 顾服务培训,以提升新界东的安老院舍职员在安 宁照顾服务方面的知识、技巧及态度,并为院舍 内患有末期病患的院友提供优质服务。此外,服 务团队亦为院友及家属进行生死教育活动。与此 同时,因应临终照顾的服务需求,此计划下的院 舍亦进行改装,设立安宁房及安宁阁,前者为临 终院友及家属而设,后者则作为宣传晚期照顾 之用。 赛马会安宁颂第三期「安宁在院舍」计划 Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project — End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (Phase 3) 为了让院友临终前享有舒适的环境,方便家人长时间陪伴左右, 安宁房以「家的感觉」为设计方向。 "Feel like home" was the design theme of end-of-life rooms so that family members could accompany the resident until the last day. 疫情期间「安宁在院舍」计划团队为院友举办网上生死教育讲座。 The Project Team organised life and death educational talks online during the pandemic. “The Embracing the Setting Sun Project” made use of horticultural therapy to organise life and death education programmes for people with disabilities. Through getting in touch with and taking care of plants, group members learnt the circle of life and its value by sharing their experiences and feelings during the process. In the meantime, people with disabilities who suffered from terminal illnesses were arranged to visit outdoor areas, as the outings enabled them to feel the positive energies of Mother Nature. 「拥抱夕阳服务计划」运用园艺治疗,为残疾人 士提供生死教育,透过接触自然,照料植物,让 他们感悟生命的周期,学习珍惜,在过程中分享 体悟与感受。与此同时,计划亦安排末期病患的 残疾人士在疫情下外出,享受日光和鸟语花香所 带来的清新与希望。 应用园艺治疗于残疾人士安宁照顾服务 及生死教育 Application of Horticultural Therapy in Comfort Care Service and Life and Death Education for People with Disablities 末期病患的院 友正在享受和 煦的阳光与清 风。 Resident with terminal illness enjoyed the fine weather outside. 透过园艺活动,分 享对生死的领会。 Members shared views and feelings about life and death through horticultural activities.