2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 80 The opening ceremony of TWGHs Sky Blue Club - Men Development Centre was held on 19 November 2022, with Ms. CHAU Fung Mui, Wendy, Assistant Director (Family and Child Welfare), Social Welfare Department, officiating, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, Board Members and other guests in attendance. The missions of TWGHs Sky Blue Club include promoting gender equality and mutual respect; enhancing men contribution on individual, family and community levels; encouraging men to focus on body-mind-spirit and emotional wellbeing; and establishing men’s supporting network. The Centre strives to maximise men’s potential strength as well as their caring quality by providing diversified programmes, with an aim to develop a positive family relationship and mutual-help community network. 东华三院男天汇男士成长中心于2022年11月19 日举行开幕礼,邀得社会福利署助理署长( 家庭 及儿童福利) 邹凤梅女士莅临主礼,并获马清扬 主席、董事局成员及多位嘉宾出席。东华三院 男天汇的服务目标包括:促进两性之平等和尊重; 促进男士在个人、家庭和社会的贡献;鼓励男士 关注个人身体、心灵、情感和精神的需要;建立 男士的支援网络。中心透过提供多元化的活动, 让男士发挥潜能及展现其关怀的一面,建设积极 正面的家庭及社区互助网络。 东华三院男天汇男士成长中心开幕典礼 Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Sky Blue Club — Men Development Centre 主礼嘉宾社会福利署助理署长( 家庭及儿童福利) 邹凤梅女士( 右二)、马清扬 主席( 左二)、韦浩文副主席( 右一) 及曾庆业副主席( 左一) 为男天汇主持「男 天探索号」启航礼。 The officiating guest, Ms. CHAU Fung Mui, Wendy (right 2), Assistant Director (Family and Child Welfare), Social Welfare Department, accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman, Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman (right 1), Vice-Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left 1), Vice-Chairman, officiated at the lift-off of "Sky Blue Spaceship" of the Club. TWGHs Holistic Centre for Youth Development (Tentative Name) is located at No.2, Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong. It is a four-storey building that covers a total floor area of 10,090 square meters. Following the completion of the construction works in the first quarter of 2023, the Completion Ceremony was held on 5 March 2023, with Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, officiating. The Centre is committed to nurturing creativity among the young generation, and equipping them with multiple learning experiences for their lifelong career pursuit. It will be a platform for young people both local and overseas to share and gain their knowledge. The services are customised to provide multiple pathways for the youth to lead a meaningful life. 东华三院青少年全人成长中心( 暂名) 座落于 新蒲岗七宝街2 号,占地10,090 平方米,这幢 楼高4层的建筑物于2023年第一季落成,并于 2023 年3 月5 日举行落成志庆典礼,邀得民政 及青年事务局副局长梁宏正BBS太平绅士担任 主礼嘉宾。 中心将致力培育青年人,支持青年创业,促进 文化交流,孕育青年创意,造就多元出路,让 青年人尽展所长,活出积极充实的人生。 青少年全人成长中心落成 志庆 Holistic Centre for Youth Development Completion Ceremony 民政及青年事务局副局长梁宏正BBS太平绅士( 左八)、民政事务总署黄大仙民政事务专员黄智华太平绅士( 右六)、社会福利署 黄大仙及西贡区福利专员吴伟龙先生( 左六)、马清扬主席( 右七) 和董事局成员共同主持击鼓祈福仪式。 Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (left 8), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. WONG Chi Wah, Steve, JP (right 6), District Officer (Wong Tai Sin), Home Affairs Department, and Mr. NG Wai Lung, David (left 6), District Social Welfare Officer (Wong Tai Sin/Sai Kung), Social Welfare Department, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 7), the Chairman, together with the Board Members performed the Drum Ceremony. 嘉宾参观中心内的年轻企业家共享工作间。 The guests were toured at co-working space of the Centre.