2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 82 为庆祝中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立 25 周年,本院于2022 年12 月21 日晚上假九 龙湾国际展贸中心举办「东华三院精彩汇萃 共庆回归廿五载综艺表演」,表演节目丰富, 台前幕后有超过500 位表演者及东华三院员 工,各展才艺,一同庆贺香港特区回归祖国 25 周年。 To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China, TWGHs held a variety show on 21 December 2022 at Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Over 500 performers and TWGHs staff participated in this significant event as they celebrated together by bringing their talents into full play. 东华三院精彩汇萃 共庆回归廿五载综艺表演 TWGHs Variety Show to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China 促进社会共融及社区精神健康 Fostering Social Inclusion and Mental Well-being in the Community TWGHs opened the Fortune Library to strengthen neighbour-friendship and togetherness of the community by means of community-based resources sharing. The Opening Ceremony of the Fortune Library was held on 17 June 2022, with Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, officiating. Fortune Library, situated at No. 1 Lime Street, Tai Kok Tsui, receives donations of idle items (such as tools, toys, and exercise equipment) from the community for members in need to borrow for free. They can also share their skills and time through the “Kai Fong Masters” campaign and volunteer activities, as a form of networking through resource sharing and mutual support platforms. A total of 1,390 members were registered by the end of 2022, with an accumulated borrowing time of 311,016 hours recorded. 东华三院成立福全共物馆( 共物馆),旨在透过 社区物资共享概念,加强社区及邻里互助互爱精 神。该馆开幕典礼于2022年6月17日举行,由 劳工及福利局副局长何启明太平绅士及马清扬主 席主礼。位于大角咀菩提街1号地下的共物馆, 接收街坊捐赠的闲置物资( 如工具、玩具、运动用 品等),让有需要的街坊免费借用共物馆的物品。 共物馆同时推广共享技能、时间的理念,组织社 区志愿者队及编订街坊师傅名册,推动居民共享互 助,连系地区力量。至2022 年年底,已有1,390 名会员登记,借用物品的时数达311,016 小时。 东华三院福全共物馆开幕典礼 Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Fortune Library 立法会议员暨岭南大学协理副校长刘智鹏教授BBS太平绅士( 左五)、民政 事务总署助理署长胡钜华太平绅士( 右五) 及马清扬主席( 左四) 在董事局 成员及行政总监陪同下,一起主持「东华三院精彩汇萃 共庆回归廿五载综艺 表演」亮灯仪式。 Prof. the Hon. LAU Chi Pang, BBS, JP (left 5), Member of the Legislative Council cum Associate Vice President of Lingnan University, Mr. WU Kui Wah, Thomas, JP (right 5), Assistant Director of Home Affairs Department, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 4), the Chairman, officiated at the Ceremony in the presence of Board Members and Chief Executive. 马清扬主席致辞 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, delivered a welcome speech. 福全共物馆的开幕礼由劳工及福利局副局长何启明太平 绅士( 右三)、马清扬主席( 左三) 及董事局成员主持。 The Opening Ceremony of the Fortune Library was officiated by Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP (right 3), Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 3), the Chairman, and Board Members. 该馆推出「借嘢」手机流动应用程式实行全港点对点(P2P) 借物配对。 除借物以外,更设有会员间物品交换、转赠、寻找帮忙等功能。 A mobile application "Jie Yeah" was launched by the Library to facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing, as well as items exchange, donation and volunteer support.