2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 87 香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系周燕雯教授公布「认 知障碍症艺术介入小组」成效研究的结果。 Prof. CHOW Yin Man, Amy, from the Department of Social Work & Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong, announced the result of "The Effectiveness of the Structured Art Group Intervention for People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers in Hong Kong" during a press conference. 「走进故事中」年度艺术展览展出认知障碍症长者及照顾者的艺术作品。 Artworks by people with dementia and their caregivers were displayed at the Annual Art Exhibition "Art with Storytellers". 「走进故事中」年度艺术展览揭幕典礼 “Art with Storytellers” Annual Art Exhibition Kick-off Ceremony 承蒙香港赛马会慈善信托基金的慷慨捐助, 东华三院赛马会耆青艺坊于2016 年成立,推行 了为期6 年的「赛马会耆青智艺乐无穷计划」, 以艺术为介入手法,服务认知障碍症长者及其照 顾者,服务超过45,000 人次。计划于2022 年9 月圆满结束,为总结及分享计划成果,耆青艺坊 于2022 年9 月8 日至13 日在石硖尾赛马会创意 艺术中心举办「走进故事中」年度艺术展览,以 认知障碍症长者的故事为主题,展出长者的艺术 作品,并设艺术工作坊及导赏团,让参观者感受 长者的活力和创意,打破大众对认知障碍症的负 面印象。 With the generous donation from Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, TWGHs Jockey Club Intergenerational Art Centre (JCIAC) commenced “Dementia Care Programme with Art Interventions” in 2016 to serve people for 6 years with dementia and their caregivers with art intervention. JCIAC achieved over 45,000 attendances as the project came to a successful completion in September 2022. To conclude and demonstrate the project outcome, JCIAC launched the “Art with Storytellers” Annual Art Exhibition at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre in Shek Kip Mei from 8 to 13 September 2022. Themed with the life stories of people with dementia, the exhibition displayed artworks of people with dementia. Visitors could walk into the artists’ life stories behind these artworks. The art workshops and guided tours held during the exhibition revealed in an interactive way the liveliness and creativity of these elderly artists, helping to remove the negative stigma associated with dementia. 「认知障碍症艺术介入小组」成效研究结 果发布 Result Release of “The Effectiveness of the Structured Art Group Intervention for People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers in Hong Kong” Research Study 本院于2022 年9 月8 日举行了「认知障碍症艺术 介入小组」研究成效发布会暨座谈会,该研究由 香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系系主任周燕雯 教授与耆青艺坊合作,于2020 年8 月至2022 年 6 月期间进行,耆青艺坊团队以艺术教育、艺术 创作及认知训练,为198 位认知障碍症长者及其 照顾者安排由跨专业团队设计的结构性艺术介入 小组。研究结果显示活动有助改善患者的认知、 身体和日常功能,满足他们的情感、心理及社交 需要,同时亦有助增强照顾者的信心,促进患者 与家人的关系。 On 8 September 2022, a research release cum symposium was held to announce the result of JCIAC’s research study on “The Effectiveness of the Structured Art Group Intervention for People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers in Hong Kong”. This research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. CHOW Yin Man, Amy, from the Department of Social Work & Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong. The Study aimed to evaluate the structured art groups by adopting the concepts of art education, art creation and cognitive training. The structured art groups were held at different Neighbourhood Elderly Centres from August 2020 to June 2022, recruiting 198 people with dementia and their caregivers in the study. The research showed the benefits of intervention among people with dementia in terms of cognitive, physical and daily functioning, as well as the fulfilment of emotional, social, and psychological needs. The intervention also showed a tendency of improving care competence and relationship between family caregivers and people with dementia.