2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 90 All direct expenses of fund-raising events organised by TWGHs are sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and Title Sponsors of the events. Administrative costs are not deducted from the donations of the general public as usual to ensure all public donations go towards the Group’s services. Therefore, TWGHs is able to maximise the use of public donations for the benefits of the needy. In addition to holding and revamping some regular fund-raising events, TWGHs carried out a number of new fund-raising initiatives during the year to solicit support from donors. Some of the major fund-raising events included: 年内由东华三院主办各项筹募活动的直接开支, 已获东华三院董事局及冠名赞助人全数赞助,并 一如以往不会从每项活动筹得的公众善款中扣除 行政费用,确保公众善款会全数用于东华三院的 服务,让市民每分每毫的善款发挥最大效能,令 更多有需要的人受惠。 除了举办和革新固有筹募项目外,东华三院年内 还推展多项全新的筹募活动以寻求各界善长的捐 助,其中包括以下大型筹募活动: 东华三院NFT Marketplace 网上慈善平台 TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Platform 雅格酒店诚意呈献:东华三院NFT Marketplace 慈善拍卖暨艺术展览 the Arca proudly presents: TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Bidding cum Art Exhibition Keeping abreast of the times, TWGHs launched its own NFT Marketplace (https://tungwahnft.io/) in April 2022 to present a series of unique nonfungible token (NFT) art pieces, making it the first NFT charity platform operated by a local charity organisation in Hong Kong. NFT art pieces listed on the platform were auctioned, and the funds raised at the launching phase were used to support the “Anti-epidemic Assistance Work” of the Group. 东华三院与时并进,于2022 年4 月推出NFT Marketplace自家网上平台(https://tungwahnft.io/), 成为全港首个本地慈善团体的NFT 慈善平台, 呈献多件独一无二的NFT (Non-fungible token) 艺 术品,以拍卖形式供各界竞投,首阶段旨在为 「东华三院抗疫援助工作」筹募经费。 于启动仪式上公布东华三院NFT Marketplace 网址。 The official website of TWGHs NFT Marketplace was announced at the Launch Ceremony. 筹备委员会Organising Committee 主席Chairman 委员Members 马清扬主席Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman 何猷启副主席 Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando, Vice-Chairman 李泽浩总理 Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael, Director 麦邓蕙敏总理Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian, Director 连浩民总理 Mr. Joseph LIN, Director 伍怡总理 Mr. Jonathan NG, Director 张瑞燊总理 Mr. Victor CHANG, Director