2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 93 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals was the Title Sponsor of the Car Parade in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR. The Car Parade saw as many as 120 cars invited by various car clubs in Hong Kong as well as the Group. The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security, and Mr. LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, among others, were invited to join the Official Party of the Event held on 31 July 2022 . The funds received through TWGHs will be earmarked for supporting hot meal service for the underprivileged and elderly living alone. 是项活动由东华三院冠名赞助,以汽车巡游方 式庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年,全港多个 车会加上本院招募的汽车合共接近120 辆一同参 与。活动于2022 年7 月31 日举行,邀得保安局 局长邓炳强GBS,PDSM太平绅士及运输及物流 局副局长廖振新太平绅士等出任主礼团嘉宾。经 东华三院筹募所得之善款,将用作支持弱势社群 及独居长者热食服务。 东华三院呈献:香港汽车会主 办庆祝特区成立25周年港珠 澳大桥汽车巡游 TWGHs proudly presents: HKAA “HZM Bridge Car Parade” in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR 保安局局长邓炳强GBS,PDSM 太平绅士( 左十) 及运输及物流 局副局长廖振新太平绅士( 左八) 等联同马清扬主席( 左十一)、 筹备委员会委员等主持车队起 步礼。 The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP (left 10), Secretary for Security, Mr. LIU Chun San, JP (left 8), Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 11), the Chairman, and members of the Organising Committee officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony of the Car Parade. 香港汽车会会长李耀培博士 ( 左三) 代表大会颁赠感谢状予本 院,马清扬主席( 左一) 及筹备委 员会主席李泽浩总理( 右一) 代表 接受。 On behalf of the organiser, Dr. Ringo LEE Yiu Pui (left 3), President of Hong Kong Automobile Association, presented a certificate of appreciation to TWGHs. Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 1), the Chairman, and Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael (right 1), Chairman of the Organising Committee and Director, received the souvenir on behalf of the Group. 马清扬主席亲领车队,进行慈善汽车巡游。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, led the fleet in participating in the Charity Car Parade. 主礼嘉宾 Guest of Honour 筹备委员会Organising Committee 保安局局长邓炳强GBS,PDSM太平绅士 The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security 运输及物流局副局长廖振新太平绅士 Mr. LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics 立法会议员易志明SBS太平绅士 The Hon. YICK Chi Ming, Frankie, SBS, JP, Member of Legislative Council 立法会议员霍启刚太平绅士 The Hon. FOK Kai Kong, Kenneth, JP, Member of Legislative Council 主席Chairman 联席主席 Co-Chairman 委员Members 马清扬主席 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman 邓明慧副主席Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy, Vice-Chairman 蔡加怡副主席 Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal, Vice-Chairman 吴郑雅瑜总理 Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi, Director 连浩民总理 Mr. Joseph LIN, Director 姚铨浩总理 Mr. CJ YAO, Director 张业维总理 Mr. CHEUNG Yip Wai, Daniel, Director 陈安立总理 Mr. CHAN On Lap, Felix, Director 李泽浩总理Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael, Director