2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 95 信善紫阙玄观重光五十周年 诚意呈献:「爱心满东华」免费 医疗服务捐助计划暨慈善晚会 Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon 50th Anniversary proudly sponsors: Free Medical Services Donation Scheme cum Charity Dinner Show Holding fast to its tradition, TWGHs has been providing free Chinese medical service for the local community. The recent upsurge in medical costs has become an increasing burden on our medical health system. Despite the constraints in resources, TWGHs still managed to keep offering professional and quality free medical services for the public, covering 900,000 visits every year. Thanks to the generous support of all patrons and benefactors, TWGHs is able to provide the community with holistic free medical services and seamless care. Our sincere gratitude goes to Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon Limited for being the Title Sponsor of “TWGHs Free Medical Services Donation Scheme” for 6 consecutive years as well as the support of all other well-wishers. The finale Dinner Show of the Scheme was held on 3 September 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Mr. Alfred HUI, Caring Star of this year, was joined by COLLAR, Ms. Vincy CHAN, Mr. Jay FUNG and Mr. Ben CHIU, Caring Ambassadors, in performing a great charity show in that spectacular evening. 本院秉承「赠医施药」的传统,一直为市民提供 全面及优质的免费医疗服务。近年医疗成本不断 上涨,医疗制度正承受着日益沉重的负担。本院 在资源紧绌的情况下,仍竭力提供专业及优质的 恒常医疗服务,每年为约90 万人次提供适切的 免费医疗服务。全赖各界善长鼎力捐助,让本院 得以应付庞大开支及维持服务质素。 「爱心满东华」免费医疗服务捐助计划连续六年 获得信善紫阙玄观有限公司担任冠名赞助人, 而压轴「爱心满东华慈善晚会」于2022 年9 月3 日假香港会议展览中心举行,邀得「爱心之星」 许廷铿先生、「爱心大使」COLLAR、泳儿小姐、 冯允谦先生及赵祥诚先生落力演出,共襄善举。 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士( 左六)、马清扬主席( 左五)、冠名赞助人代表信善紫阙玄观 有限公司及信善恩惠慈善基金有限公司董事局主席陈观威先生( 右五) 及董事黄秀德先生( 右四)、协办机构 代表商业电台行政总裁陈静娴小姐( 左四) 及商业一台总监郭志仁先生( 左二),联同筹委会成员主持仪式。 Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (left 6), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 5), the Chairman, Mr. CHAN Koon Wai (right 5) and Mr. WONG Sau Tak (right 4), Chairman and Director of Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon and Shun Shin Kindness Foundation, representatives of Title Sponsor, Ms. Rita CHAN (left 4), Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Radio, Mr. Ken KWOK (left 2), Director of Commercial Radio 1, representatives of the Co-organiser and the Organising Committee Members officiated at the ceremony. 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士( 右) 由东华三院主席马清扬先生( 左) 陪同下,致送纪念品予冠名赞助人代表信善紫 阙玄观有限公司及信善恩惠慈善基金有限公司董事黄秀德先生( 中)。 Accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left), the Chairman, Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (right), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, presented a souvenir to the Title Sponsor, represented by Mr. WONG Sau Tak (centre), Chairman and Director of Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon and Shun Shin Kindness Foundation. 「爱心之星」许廷铿 先生为晚会倾力 演出。 Mr. Alfred HUI, Caring Star, performed in the Show. 主礼嘉宾 Guest of Honour 筹备委员会Organising Committee 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士 Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council 主席Chairman 联席主席Co-Chairman 委员Members 郑建盛总理Mr. ZHENG Jiansheng, Sam, Director 曾庆业副主席 Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York, Vice-Chairman 蔡加怡副主席 Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal, Vice-Chairman 李泽浩总理 Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael, Director 麦邓蕙敏总理 Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian, Director 吴郑雅瑜总理 Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi, Director 张瑞燊总理 Mr. Victor CHANG, Director 何猷启副主席Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando, Vice-Chairman