2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 102 The TWGHs CGSE HKTBC Charity Bowling Tournament was held at the South China Athletic Association Bowling Centre on 7 January 2023, with Ms. LAM Shuet Lai, Shirley, JP, Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, as the Guest of Honour. All the proceeds went to TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre in support of a community service for children and their families suffering from selective mutism. Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder characterised by a child’s inability to speak and communicate in certain social settings. With professional support, children suffering from selective mutism can rebuild a healthy social life. 东华三院 · 金银业贸易场 · 香港保龄球总会慈善保龄球 大赛 TWGHs · CGSE · HKTBC Charity Bowling Tournament 东华三院 · 金银业贸易场 · 香港保龄球总会慈善 保龄球大赛于2023 年1 月7 日假南华体育会保 龄球场圆满举行,赛事主礼嘉宾为民政及青年事 务局常任秘书长林雪丽太平绅士,活动收益全数 拨归东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心推行治疗 选择性缄默症的社区服务。选择性缄默症是焦虑 症的一种,特征是儿童于特定社交场合中无法说 话。透过专业的支援,患病儿童可以重新建立健 康的社交生活。 马清扬主席( 右七) 与主礼嘉宾民政及青年事务局常任秘 书长林雪丽太平绅士( 右六) 、 活动筹委会主席蔡加怡副 主席( 右五)、合办机构代表、筹备委员会委员及活动大使 合照 A group photo of Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 7), the Chairman, Ms. LAM Shuet Lai, Shirley (right 6), JP, Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Guest of Honour, Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal (right 5), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, representatives of Coorganisers, Members of the Organising Committee and the event ambassador 主礼嘉宾 Guest of Honour 筹备委员会Organising Committee 民政及青年事务局常任秘书长林雪丽太平绅士 Ms. LAM Shuet Lai, Shirley, JP Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs 曾庆业副主席 Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York, Vice-Chairman 吴郑雅瑜总理 Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi, Director 杨燕芝总理 Ms. Jennifer YEUNG, Director 伍怡总理 Mr. Jonathan NG, Director 张业维总理 Mr. CHEUNG Yip Wai, Daniel, Director 麦菁芮总理 Ms. MAK Ching Yui, Matching, Director 陈智豪总理 Mr. CHAN Chi Ho, Allen, Director 蔡加怡副主席Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal, Vice-Chairman 主席Chairman 委员Members The charity raffle tickets were sold at TWGHs’ service units, public and private housing estates and supporting corporations from January to March 2023 to raise funds for “Accessible Transport Services Voucher for People with Mobility Difficulties”. A raffle draw was conducted by female TWGHs Board Members, wives of Board Members and Miss Hong Kong at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital on 9 March 2023. 本院于2023 年1 月至3 月期间,透过属下服务 单位、屋邨、屋苑及各大工商机构协助劝销慈善 奖券,为「无障碍福祉车乘车券资助计划」筹募 经费。搅珠仪式于2023 年3 月9 日在东华医院 礼堂举行,由本院女董事局成员、董事局成员 夫人及香港小姐主持。 东华三院慈善奖券 TWGHs Charity Raffle 慈善奖券揽珠仪式 The Charity Raffle draw 董事局成员与及董事局成员夫人合照 Group photo of Board Members and wives of Board Members