2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 105 To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, Hong Kong Disneyland launched a Charity Postcard Sale in June 2022. A total of 6 versions of charity postcards were designed to represent teenagers, women, the elderly, children, people with disabilities and environmental protection to promote diversity and social inclusion. TWGHs was invited to be the designated beneficiary organisation. Proceeds, without cost deduction, were fully donated to the Group in support of its child and family services. 为庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周 年,香港迪士尼乐园于2022 年6 月起推出六款精心设计的慈善明信 片,分别代表青少年、妇女、长者、 儿童、残疾人士及环境保护,藉此 推广多元共融,并于香港迪士尼乐 园度假区慈善义卖。本院获邀为指 定受惠机构,收益不扣除成本,全 数拨捐支持本院儿童及家庭服务。 香港迪士尼乐园 慈善明信片义卖 Hong Kong Disneyland Charity Postcard Sale The artist “The French Girl (Caroline TRONEL)” joined hands with the artists from “TWGHs i-dArt” in creating NFT artworks, which were uploaded on the TWGHs NFT Marketplace for charity sale. Some of the artworks were on display at the KOLOUR MALL of Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long. 东华三院「爱不同艺术」(i-dArt) 的画家联乘 The French Girl – Caroline Tronel 的作品转化 成NFT,上载于TWGHs NFT Marketplace 平 台作慈善义卖。部分作品于荃湾千色汇及元 朗千色汇实体展览中展出。 「法」现盛夏 — KOLOUR X The French Girl X TWGHs i-dArt Double Happiness — KOLOUR X The French Girl X TWGHs i-dArt It was the honour of the Group to get invited again by S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited (SFHK) to be one of the beneficiary organisations of the “SF Locker Donation Programme” in 2022. Users can make fixed donations in the amount of $5, $10, $20, $50 or $80 at designated SF lockers to the selected charitable organisations of their own choice. SFHK will transfer all donations collected to respective beneficiary organisations without any cost deduction. All proceeds will be earmarked for the development of the Group’s various services. 顺丰速运( 香港) 有限公司( 下称「顺丰香港」) 再度于2022 年邀请本院成为「顺丰智能柜慈善 捐款功能」的其中一家受惠机构。用户可于指定 的顺丰智能柜,按划一金额港币5 元、10 元、20 元、50 元及80 元捐款予特定受惠机构,顺丰香 港将不扣除成本,拨捐全数捐款至用户所选择的 慈善机构。东华三院会将善款用以拓展本院各项 服务。 顺丰智能柜慈善捐款功能 — 顺丰速运( 香港) 有限公司 "SF Locker Donation Programme" — S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited RCHEs were in urgent need of antiepidemic supplies earlier when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out at many elderly care homes in Hong Kong. The Group would like to extend its gratitude to Henderson Land Group's “Anti-Epidemic Fund” for its prompt donation of $1 million to finance the purchase of anti-epidemic supplies for RCHEs. More than 5,000 people benefitted from this timely and needy support. 早前全港多间安老院舍相 继爆疫,各院舍急需抗疫 物资之际,东华三院承蒙 恒基兆业「抗疫基金」及时 捐助100 万港元,资助东华 三院属下安老院舍购买防疫 用品,协助长者对抗疫情, 为院舍带来合时、适切的援 助,受惠人数超过5,000人。 东华三院获恒基兆业 「抗疫基金」捐出100万元 支援安老院舍 Donation of $1 Million by Henderson Land Group's “Anti-Epidemic Fund” in Support of TWGHs’ Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) 马清扬主席( 左) 代表本院颁发感谢状予顺丰速运( 香港) 有限公司总经 理岑子良先生( 右),以感谢该公司多年来支援本院抗疫工作。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left), the Chairman, delivered a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Steve SHUM (right), Director of S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited, to express his heartfelt gratitude on behalf of TWGHs to the company supporting the anti-epidemic work of the Group over the years.