2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 106 URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED and LINE FRIENDS launched their first charitable initiative, “LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU KINDHEARTED CHARITY ROADSHOW”, from 19 November to 23 November 2022 at the Piazza, K11 Art Mall. Limited editions of LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU FUKUHEYA BROWN series, including Manekineko BROWN (Kind Edition), Daruma BROWN (Heart Edition) and Tanuki BROWN, were introduced at the charity sale. TWGHs was invited to be the beneficiary organisation. The proceeds, after cost deduction, were donated to the Group in support of its community services. URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED与LINE FRIENDS团队首度携手为慈善出力,于2022 年 11 月19 日至11 月23 日假K11 Art Mall 地下露 天广场举行「LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU善心 · 慈善活动」,慈善义卖福部屋系列别注版「招财 猫BROWN · 善」、「达摩BROWN · 心」及「狸猫 BROWN」潮玩摆件。本院获邀成为受惠机构,活 动收益扣除成本后,拨捐支持本院社会服务。 LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU 善心 · 慈善活动 LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU KIND-HEARTED CHARITY ROADSHOW 马清扬主席( 左三) 在行政总监苏祐安先生( 右一) 的陪同下出席活动,与主办机构 URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED董事长Mr. Asad MAHMOOD ( 左四)、董事长 林志鸿先生( 左一) 及董事长林展辉先生( 左二) 和LINE FRIENDS代表包括Head of Business Development Ms. Dora CHUNG ( 右三) 及IP & Brand Management Senior Manager Ms. Kay HUNG ( 右二) 合照。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 3), the Chairman, accompanied by Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 1), Chief Executive, attended the Roadshow and took a photo with Mr. Asad MAHMOOD (left 4), Mr. Edwin LAM (left 1), and Mr. Chino LAM (left 2), Presidents of URDU INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED, the Organiser, and the representatives of LINE FRIENDS, including Ms. Dora CHUNG (right 3), Head of Business Development, and Ms. Kay HUNG (right 2), IP & Brand Management Senior Manager. Thanks to the referral made by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, the Group received a generous donation of 21 pieces of NFT from Feline Soulmate NFT for charity sale. 经马清扬主席引荐,本院获Feline Soulmate NFT 慷慨捐赠21 件NFT作品予本院作义卖。 Feline Soulmate NFT X 东华三院NFT Marketplace Feline Soulmate NFT X TWGHs NFT Marketplace 马清扬主席( 中) 及连浩民总理( 左) 代表东华三院接受Feline Soulmate NFT 创办人刘晨芝 小姐( 右) 送赠之NFT作品。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (centre), the Chairman, and Mr. Joseph LIN (left), Director, received on behalf of the Group the NFT art pieces from Ms. Adrienne Lau (right), Founder of Feline Soulmate NFT. The “99 Giving Day” was held in Hong Kong from 1 to 10 September 2022, and TWGHs was again honoured to be invited as one of the beneficiary charitable organisations of this programme. Tencent Foundation made a 1:1 matching donation for each donation via the “WeChat Pay HK” charity platform to designated projects of TWGHs during the event. 「腾讯『99 公益日』」于2022 年9 月1 至10 日 于香港举行,本院再次获邀成为活动其 中一个受惠机构。善长于活动期间经 「WeChat Pay HK」慈善平台捐款至东华 三院指定计划项目,腾讯基金会以1:1 进 行配对捐款。 腾讯「99公益日」 Tencent “99 Giving Day” AllRightsReserved, a creative brand, launched the “UP WE GO!” Limited Mini Sculptures Charity Sale online on 28 September 2022 to commemorate the latest permanent outdoor art installation, “Up We Go!” and “Family orchestra”, created by Inges Idee, a renowned German art collective, in Shanghai. The proceeds were fully designated for charity purposes without cost deduction. TWGHs was invited to be one of the beneficiary organisations, and a donation of $392,500 was received and earmarked for supporting the Group’s youth services in provision of music training and career development to the underprivileged teenagers. 创意品牌AllRightsReserved 以著名德国艺术家 Inges Idee于上海首个大型户外永久艺术装置「迈 上!」及「大象亲子乐园」为蓝本,推出两款限量 小型雕塑作品,于2022 年9 月28 日起 经网上慈善义卖,收益不扣除成本全数 拨捐慈善用途。本院获邀为受惠机构之 一,所得善款392,500 元用以支持本院青 少年服务,为基层青少年提供音乐培训 及职涯发展机会。 Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved 「UP WE GO! 迈上新景象」限量 小型雕塑作品慈善义卖 Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved “UP WE GO!” Limited Mini Sculptures Charity Sale