2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 107 The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2022, organised by Commercial Radio Hong Kong (CRHK), was held on 1 January 2023 at AsiaWorld–Arena. TWGHs was invited as the Appointed Beneficiary Charitable Organisation again in 2022, with a number of tickets provided to the Group by CRHK for charity sale. The net proceeds will be used to support the development of the Group’s services. 本院于2022 年再度获邀成为「2022 年度叱咤乐 坛流行榜颁奖典礼」的指定受惠慈善机构,颁奖 典礼于2023 年1 月1 日假亚洲 国际博览馆Arena 举行。主办机 构商业电台提供部分门券予本院 作慈善用途,收益扣除门票成本 后拨捐发展东华三院各项服务。 2022年度叱咤乐坛流行榜 颁奖典礼慈善门券 Charity Tickets for the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2022 TWGHs has set up the “TWGHs Positive Life Education Fund” in collaboration with the Correctional Services Department since 2018/2019. The Scheme helps persons in need and in custody to pursue education and vocational training by subsidising their training courses, distance learning courses, public examination fees and textbooks. The Scheme, which received an annual board allocation of $200,000 from the Group, involved a subsidy of $1.2 million for six years in total. 自2018/2019 年度起,本院透过惩教署成立 「东华三院正向人生教育基金」,为有需要的在 囚人士提供经济援助,以支付教育及职业训练课 程、公开考试、遥距课程及参考书等费用。本院 董事局每年资助20 万元,为期6 年,合共资助 120 万元。 「东华三院正向人生教育基金」 —资助在囚人士持续进修 “TWGHs Positive Life Education Fund” — Supports Persons in Custody for Continuing Education 马清扬主席( 左三) 代表本院致送20 万元基金资助予惩教署,在韦浩文 副主席( 右二)、何猷启副主席( 左二)、蔡加怡副主席( 右一) 及苏祐安 行政总监(左一)陪同下,由惩教署副署长黄国兴先生, CSDSM (右三)代表该署接受。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 3), the Chairman, presented a cheque of $200,000 to the Correctional Services Department on behalf of the Group, accompanied by Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman (right 2), Vice-chairman, Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando (left 2), Vicechairman, Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal (right 1), Vice-chairman, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (left 1), Chief Executive. Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM (right 3), Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services, received the cheque on behalf of the Department. TWGHs was invited by Wai Yin Association to be the co-organiser and patron of this event. Including the TWGHs Board of Directors and staff as well as representatives of Wai Yin Association, the badminton teams had friendly matches with the teams from Po Leung Kuk. 本院获慧妍雅集邀请担任是次活动的协办及捐助 机构,本院董事局成员及员工获安排与慧妍雅集 组成羽毛球队,与保良局代表一同作赛。 慧妍雅集40周年「羽你同行」 《慧妍东保杯慈善羽毛球大赛》 Wai Yin Association 40th Anniversary Wai Yin Tung Po “Badminton for Charity” 民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅士( 左五)、本院壬寅年顾问暨辛丑 年主席谭镇国先生BBS ( 左三)、保良局主席陈正欣博士MH ( 右三) 及慧妍雅 集执行委员会会长刘倩婷小姐( 右四) 主持启动礼。 The Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (left 5), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. TAM Chun Kwok, Kazaf, BBS (left 3), Member of the TWGHs Advisory Board 2022/2023 cum Chairman 2021/2022, Dr. Daniel CHAN, MH (right 3), the Chairman of Po Leung Kuk, and Ms. Sandy LAU (right 4), President of Executive Committee of Wai Yin Association 2022/2023, officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. At the invitation of Commercial Radio, TWGHs became the Appointed Beneficiary Charitable Organisation of the “Music is Live 2022【Joyce Cheng x Anson Lo】” and was offered a limited number of tickets for charity purposes. The Concert was held at AsiaWorld-Arena (Hall 1) on 13 November 2022, with the proceeds less cost of tickets allocated to support the Group’s services development. 拉阔音乐会神攴拉阔【郑欣宜 x卢瀚霆】慈善门券 Charity Tickets for Music is Live 2022 【 Joyce Cheng x Anson Lo 】 本院获商业电台邀请成为「拉阔音 乐会神攴拉阔【郑欣宜x 卢瀚霆】」 的指定受惠慈善机构,获提供限量 门券作慈善用途。音乐会于2022 年11 月13 日假亚洲国际博览馆 Arena (1 号展馆) 举行,收益扣除门 券成本拨供本院以拓展各项服务。