2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 108 TWGHs received bequests amounting over $21.57 million and properties valued $207.2 million (as of 13 February 2023), through the “Legacy Donation Scheme” and/or the “Policy Donation Program” in the year. TWGHs is deeply grateful to the donors, in particular the late Madam HO Celine, Madam YEUNG Bing Yin, Madam CHAN Che Hin, Madam LEUNG Lai Mui, Mr. LEE Yat Jong, Madam POON Pui Man and Madam KWONG Yee Wan. TWGHs will continue to provide one-stop services for potential planned-giving donors who want to wills, funeral and burial arrangements, and estate administration to alleviate their concerns about these matters. 本院年内承蒙多位善长遗爱人间,造福社群,善 长透过「遗产捐赠计划」及/或「保险传爱计划」 遗赠款项逾2,157 万及物业市值2 亿720 万( 截 至2023 年2 月13 日),包括已故何荫棠女士、 杨冰妍女士、陈车轩女士、梁丽梅女士、李一庄 先生、潘佩雯女士及邝绮云女士等。本院会继续 为有意捐赠遗产的善长提供一站式服务,包括协 助他们草拟平安纸、安排善寿服务以及申领和分 配遗产,让善长免却辞世的担忧。 遗产捐赠 Legacy Donation In addition to the above events, the following donation campaigns received staunch support from corporations and the general public during the year: 除以上活动外,本院年内亦透过以下多项捐助计 划,得到工商机构及普罗大众的鼎力支持: 捐助计划 Donation Campaign · · · · · · · · · · · · Appeal for Donations in Lieu of Gifts for the Inauguration of the Board of Directors Medical Equipment Donation Scheme (for Hospitals) Celebratory / Activity Proceeds Donation Scheme Legacy Donation Scheme Medical Equipment Donation Scheme (for Community Services) Emergency Relief Fund Donation Scheme Medical Services Monthly Donation Scheme Funeral Fund Donation Scheme Educational Equipment Donation Scheme Property Donation Scheme Heritage Fund Donation Scheme Condolence Giving Programme · · · · · · · · · · · · 董事局就职贺礼捐款呼吁 医疗仪器捐助计划( 社会服务单位) 「贺礼 · 利得 · 惠东华」计划 物业募捐计划 档案及历史文化基金捐助计划 医疗仪器捐助计划( 医院单位) 教学仪器捐助计划 「甘霖 · 援急基金」捐助计划 「杏林之友」月捐计划 「延」点希望 · 遗爱人间遗产捐赠计划 「殡仪基金」捐助计划 「吉仪 · 吉意」布施计划 参与本院「遗产捐赠计划」, 遗爱人间 Make a difference to those in need through our Legacy Donation Scheme 为感谢各位已故善长的遗赠,本院于东华三院黄凤翎纪念大楼正 门设置牌匾,以志鸣谢。 In appreciation of the legacy donation from donors, TWGHs has an acknowledgement plaque erected at the main entrance of TWGHs Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building. 物业捐赠 Property Donation Launched in 2010, “Friends of Tung Wah” Monthly Donation Scheme aims to generate a stable and continuous source of donation income for TWGHs to develop and sustain its medical and health, education, social welfare and heritage conservation services, for rendering ongoing support to underprivileged groups in the community. TWGHs will continue to arrange a variety of donor gatherings for benefactors who have joined the Scheme to give them a better picture of the operations and history of TWGHs services as part of our drive to promote the TWGHs spirit of charity. 「东华之友」月捐计划自2010 年起推行,旨在运 用善长每月持续和稳定的捐款,以支持本院策划 和发展长远的医疗衞生、教育、社会福利及文化 保育服务,持续造福弱势社群。本院继续举辨不 同服务参观与讲座,邀请参加计划的善长亲身参 与,协助善长深入了解本院各服务的运行及历 史,一同推广「东华行善」的精神。 「东华之友」月捐计划 “Friends of Tung Wah” Monthly Donation Scheme 善长Donor 捐赠项目 Property 陈宗武先生 Mr. CHAN Chung Mo 何荫棠女士 ( 遗赠) Estate of Madam HO Celine 杨冰妍女士 ( 遗赠) Estate of Madam YEUNG Bing Yin 香港中环些利街16 及16A号 ( 二十个住宅单位) Nos. 16 and 16A Shelley Street, Central, Hong Kong (20 residential units) 香港中环威灵顿街43-49 号新利大厦( 二个商舖) Sun Lee Building, Nos. 43-49 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong (2 shop units) 新界元朗辋井村183 号 ( 一个住宅单位) No. 183 Mong Tseng Tsuen, Yuen Long, New Territories (1 residential unit) a. b. c. 1. 2. 3.