2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 110 东华三院董事局及冠名赞助人已赞助各项由 东华三院主办之筹募活动的直接开支,亦不会从 活动筹得的公众善款中扣除行政费用,确保公众 善款全数拨用于本院的服务。 在过去一年,东华三院得到多个团体、机构及善 长的热心支持,与东华三院合办筹募活动或将其 特别活动的收入捐赠予东华三院,共筹得善款超 过200 万元,此数目已包括在全年筹得善款内。 活动包括: All direct expenses of the fund-raising events organised by TWGHs have been sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and Title Sponsors of the event and no administrative costs will be deducted from the donations of the general public to ensure all public donations will go directly to our services. In the past year, TWGHs also received zealous support from the following organisations, collaborators and donors, who launched joint donation projects with TWGHs or kindly donated proceeds of their special events to TWGHs. The said donations amounted to over $2 million and were accounted for in the total amount of donations raised for the year. These events included: 注:上述捐款(包括认捐善款)统计至本刊付印日止。 Note: The above donations (including pledges) were recorded up to the time of prinitng. 以千元计 in $ Thousand 中银东华三院信用卡 BOC TWGHs Credit Cards Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved「UP WE GO! 迈上新景象」限量小型雕塑作品慈善义卖 Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved "UP WE GO!" Limited Mini Sculptures Charity Sale 顺丰智能柜慈善捐款功能 SF Locker Donation Programme 2022 年度叱咤乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼慈善门券 Charity Tickets for the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2022 于世界殡仪馆设置捐款箱收集吉仪 Collection of Condolence Packets at Universal Funeral Parlour 拉阔音乐会神攴拉阔【郑欣宜x 卢瀚霆】慈善门券 Charity Tickets for Music is Live 2022【Joyce Cheng x Anson Lo】 香港迪士尼乐园慈善明信片义卖 Hong Kong Disneyland Charity Postcard Sale LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU善心.慈善活动 LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU KIND-HEARTED CHARITY ROADSHOW 腾讯「99 公益日」 Tencent "99 Giving Day" 57 11 405 252 276 393 110 423 149 1. 7. 4. 2. 8. 5. 3. 9. 6. 20. 医疗仪器捐助计划( 医院单位) Medical Equipment Donation Scheme (for Hospitals) 「东华三院 · 分享爱 · 疫境同行」捐助计画 TWGHs Share Love & Fight the Epidemic Donation Campaign 医疗仪器捐助计划( 社会服务单位) Medical Equipment Donation Scheme (for Community Services) 「贺礼 · 利得 · 惠东华」计划 Celebratory / Activity Proceeds Donation Scheme 「甘霖 · 援急基金」捐助计划 Emergency Relief Fund Donation Scheme 教学仪器捐助计划 Educational Equipment Donation Scheme 「吉仪 · 吉意」布施计画 Condolence Giving Programme 3,716 5,895 85 195 429 108 759 21. 22. 24. 25. 23. 26.