2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

东 华 三 院 文 物 馆 历史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 124 香港大学香港人文社会研究所名誉教授 冼玉仪教授于2022年6月18日主讲第一讲 「穿梭太平洋:华人出洋与东华三院原籍安 葬服务」。 Prof. SINN Yuk Yee, Elizabeth, Honorary Professor of Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, presented the 1st talk titled "Pacific Crossing: The Chinese Migration and Bone Repatriation Service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals" on 18 June 2022. 香港珠海学院中国文学系副教授暨香港历 史文化研究中心副主任游子安教授于2022 年7月16日主讲第二讲「广福无私安四海: 从香港到越南华人之义祠与万善缘法会」。 Prof. YAU Chi On, Associate Professor of Department of Chinese Literature cum Associate Director of Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong, presented the 2nd talk titled "Selfless Charitable Deeds for All: Communal Chinese Ancestral Halls and Yulan Festival Mass Ritual in Hong Kong and Vietnam" on 16 July 2022. 香港史学会总监邓家宙博士于2022 年8 月 13 日主讲第三讲「生灵有托:从东华义庄 服务看华人传统价值与传承」。 Dr. TANG Ka Jau, Billy, Director of Society of Hong Kong History, presented the 3rd talk titled "Resting Place for the Spirits: Shedding Light on Traditional Chinese Values and Heritage through the Services of Tung Wah Coffin Home" on 13 August 2022. 「与时并进:从档案看香港医疗服务发展」 系列讲座及巡回展览 办公室与康乐及文化事务署香港公共图书馆连续5年 合办系列讲座及巡回展览。于2022年9月至11月期 间以「与时并进:从档案看香港医疗服务发展」为主 题,在香港中央图书馆演讲厅举办3场现场和网上同 步进行的专题讲座。专家及学者以妇女生育、肺结 核的防治以及二次大战前护士训练发展史探讨本港 医疗发展与社会的关系。同时,「东华三院护士训练 发展点滴」巡回展览亦于全港6 所公共图书馆举行。 “Keeping up with the Times: Mapping the Development of Hong Kong’s Healthcare Services through the Archives” Subject Talks Series and Roving Exhibition The Office launched subject talks series and roving exhibition for the 5th consecutive year in collaboration with the Hong Kong Public Libraries of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The theme for the period between September and November 2022 is “Keeping up with the Times: Mapping the Development of Hong Kong’s Healthcare Services through the Archives” and 3 subject talks were held simultaneously at the Lecture Hall of Hong Kong Central Library and online. Experts and scholars were invited to elaborate on the close relationship between healthcare and social development by looking at women's childbearing, tuberculosis prevention and treatment and the history of nurse training before World WarII. Meanwhile, the “Development of TWGHs Nursing Training” roving exhibition was held at 6 public libraries. 广华医院妇产科顾问医生梁永昌医生于2022 年9 月3 日主讲 「广华医院产房纪录的启示」。 Dr. LEUNG Wing Cheong, Consultant Obstetrician of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, presented a talk titled "Insights from Records of the Labour Room of Kwong Wah Hospital" on 3 September 2022. 香港浸会大学历史系讲师罗婉娴博士于2022 年10 月8 日主讲「肺结 核的防治」。 Dr. LAW Yuen Han, Lecturer of Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, presented a talk titled "Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment" on 8 October 2022.