2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

历史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 125 新书《提灯者言:广华医院护理教育 历史》出版 办公室与香港浸会大学历史系合作的「广华医院 护理教育」研究计划已经完成,该研究计划的丰 硕成果结集成《提灯者言:广华医院护理教育 历史》一书,于2022 年12 月出版。 The research project in collaboration with the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University to study the nursing education development of Kwong Wah Hospital was completed and the book titled Nursing Education of Kwong Wah Hospital was released in December 2022 to publish the fruitful research results. 《提灯者言:广华医院 护理教育历史》封面 Cover of Nursing Education of Kwong Wah Hospital 2022 年11 月30 日举行 新书讲座。 A talk for the newly released book was held on 30 November 2022. 推出东华三院档案及历史文化办公室 全新网站 办公室推出全新网站(https://rho.tungwah.org.hk), 提供最新消息、网上报名、网上购物及历年文化活动 重温资料库等丰富内容,分享本办公室的多元文化 资讯。 Launch of A New Website of TWGHs Records and Heritage Office The Office launched a new website (https://rho.tungwah.org.hk), to share its multicultural information, such as latest news, online registration, online shopping and the database of previous cultural activities. 档案及历史文化办公室网站主页 Homepage of Records and Heritage Office website New Launch of Nursing Education of Kwong Wah Hospital 香港浸会大学社会科学院副院长( 发展) 暨历史系教授 黄文江教授于2022年11 月12日主讲「『干练之女看护为救护 人类疾苦之福星也』:1945 年以前的广华医院护士学校的历史 点滴」。 Prof. WONG Man Kong, Associate Dean (Development) of Faculty of Social Sciences cum Professor of Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, presented a talk titled "'A Good Nurse Brings Blessings to the Sick': A Kaleidoscopic View of the Kwong Wah Hospital Nursing School Before 1945" on 12 November 2022. 「东华三院护士训练发展点滴」专题巡回展览在全港6 间公共图书馆 展出,让公众了解东华三院护士训练的发展。 The "Development of TWGHs Nursing Training" thematic roving exhibition was toured around 6 public libraries to present the public the history of nursing training of TWGHs.