2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

历史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 126 东华三院文物馆不时进行维修保养工程。 Repair and maintenance works are carried out from time to time at Tung Wah Museum. 董事局成员于文物馆展览厅内了解维修工 程进度。 Board Members learned about the progress of works repair and maintenance at an exhibition room of Tung Wah Museum. 董事局成员了解东华三院文物馆最新 状况。 Board Members were informed of the latest condition of Tung Wah Museum. 董事局成员参观文物馆一楼参考图书室及 会议室。 Board Members visited the reference library and the conference room located on the 1st floor of Tung Wah Museum. 保存东华三院文献及文物 东华三院的文献及文物见证香港的历史发展,本 院一直不遗余力收集及保存这些珍贵文化资产。 感谢各界支持及内部移交,东华三院何超蕸档案 及文物中心年内共接收19 组文献及文物。 Preserving TWGHs Archives and Relics Tung Wah’s archives and relics bear witness to the historical development of Hong Kong and TWGHs endeavours to preserve them. With generous donation from members of the public and transfer from various divisions of the Group, TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre received 19 items of archives, relics and artefacts during the reporting year. 保存东华三院文化遗产 Preserving TWGHs Cultural Heritage 维护东华三院文物馆 广华医院第一期重建工程已经完成,而第二期 工程随即展开。办公室将继续与医院管理局、 古物古迹办事处及项目工程师紧密合作,确保 东华三院文物馆结构安全。文物馆亦会不时修 缮,并筹备文物馆展览场地更新工作。 董事局成员于2022 年10 月7 日参观东华三院文 物馆,以加深认识这项法定古迹的历史、了解广 华医院重建对文物馆的影响、相关维修工程的进 展及文物馆重整计划的方向。 Safeguarding Tung Wah Museum The phase 1 redevelopment project of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) was completed. In face of the commencement of the phase 2 redevelopment project, the Office will continue to work closely with the Hospital Authority, the Antiquities and Monuments Office and project architect to monitor the structural safety of Tung Wah Museum. Repair and maintenance works of the Museum are carried out from time to time and revamping of the exhibition space is being planned. The Board of Directors paid a visit to the Tung Wah Museum to deepen their understanding of its history on 7 October 2022. They also learned about the impact of the redevelopment project of KWH on the Museum, progress of the maintenance works and the direction of the revamping project of the Museum.