2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

历史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 128 东华三院寻根香港系列:三地对谈《落 叶归根——东华三院华侨原籍安葬档案 选编》网上特辑 为进一步推广东华原籍安葬服务的历史,办公室 与经济通(ETnet) 合办三地对谈《落叶归根—— 东华三院华侨原籍安葬档案选编》网上特辑,邀 得香港、内地及美国三地的历史专家联机对谈, 分享相关历史文化保育的历程。 Webinar on the book Fallen leaves returning to their roots: A selection of archives on the bone repatriation service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese To further promote the history of the bone repatriation service of the Group, the Office joined hands with ETnet to organise a webinar on the book Fallen leaves returning to their roots: A selection of archives on the bone repatriation service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese. Experts from Hong Kong, Mainland China and the United States were invited to share their views on the tradition and efforts in preserving the archives. 本地历史研究者高添强先生、江门五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究院 谭金花副教授及美国华人历史学者吴瑞卿博士联机对谈。 Mr. KO Tim Keung, Tim, Local History Researcher, Associate Prof. TAN Jinhua, Selia, Institute for Guangdong Qiaoxiang Studies of Wuyi University, and Dr. NG Shui Hing, Sonia, Historian of the Chinese in America, talked in the webinar. 《落叶归根——东华三院华侨原籍安葬档案选编》 Fallen leaves returning to their roots: A selection of archives on the bone repatriation service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese. 东华历史文化及教育活动 办公室致力为学生、教师及公众提供各种历史文 化教育活动,例如专题讲座、考察及外展活动 等,藉此传承东华三院历史及慈善精神和中国传 统文化。办公室亦不时与不同团体交流,加强对 外连系。 Heritage and Education Programmes on Tung Wah History The Office endeavours to organise various cultural programmes such as thematic talks, tours and outreach programmes for students, teachers and members of the public in order to pass on the history and philanthropic spirit of TWGHs as well as the Chinese traditional culture. The Office also connects with other institutions through exchange activities. 办公室为本院属校师生举办教育活动及培训。 The Office arranged various education programmes and training sessions for TWGHs students and teachers. 办公室提供文化服务及与不同团体合办交流活动。 The Office provided cultural services and jointly organised exchange activities with different cultural and academic institutions.