2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

公共服务 TRADITIONAL SERVICES 公共服务TRADITIONAL SERVICES 129 TWGHs is committed to providing quality traditional services to meet community needs for traditional sacrificial services, funeral services and end-of-life facilities. The 3 main streams of services include funeral and burial services, temples and ritualistic services, and traditional cultural services, all delivered through the 24 service units and major projects under the management of the Traditional Services Section of the Group. All revenues generated are earmarked for charitable purposes of the Group. Information about those service units is listed in Appendix TS1. 东华三院致力提供高质 素的公共服务,满足市民 对传统祭祀、殡仪服务及善 终设施的需要。本院公共服务 部属下共有24 个服务单位及重 点计划,提供殡仪及殓葬、庙宇及 祭祀,以及传统文化3类服务,所得收入均用作本院慈善用途。单位资料详列于附录TS1。 Without affecting the routine operation of its funeral services, the Group actively assisted the Government in easing the imminent need for funeral services amid the pandemic: 在不影响属下殡仪服务日常运行的前提下,本院 实施了各项措施,积极协助政府缓解疫情期间社 会对殡仪服务的需求,包括︰ 疫情下殡仪服务安排 Arrangement for Funeral Services under COVID-19 由2022 年3 月14 日至5 月31 日,开放寰宇殡 仪馆地下3 个礼堂,提供每日最多12 节免费时 段供业界安排过境丧礼,期间共为327 个丧礼 免费提供灵堂; 由2022 年3 月1 日至4 月29 日期间向衞生署 免费提供寰宇殡仪馆殓房合共45 个雪柜存放 遗体; 由2022 年3 月20 日起,提供东华三院寰宇殡 仪馆一楼及三楼礼堂供业界为新冠离世人士举 行可瞻仰遗容的丧礼,及为新冠离世人士免费 提供100 个直接过境丧礼服务名额,期间合共 服务了460 位新冠离世人士。 The mortuary facilities of TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour, including 45 cold chambers, were handed over to the Department of Health from 1 March to 29 April 2022; From 14 March to 31 May 2022, 3 funeral halls on the ground floor of TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour were allocated for venue booking by the funeral services industry on a rent-free basis. Up to 12 free sessions were offered each day, with a total of 327 funerals held during the period; With effect from 20 March 2022, the funeral halls on the 1st and 3rd floor of TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour had been designated for viewing ceremonies for the COVID-19 deceased. Meanwhile, A quota of 100 free funeral service sessions for the COVID-19 deceased was provided. A total of 460 COVID-19 deceased were served during the period. · · · · · · 东 华 三 院三 广福 祠福 祠 东 华 三 院三 院 华 文 三 武 庙 文 东 华 义 庄